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It's called World War 2 because most of the world, if not all, was in it. As to when it was, the first one was in the 1915-1925. The second followed after the Great Depression (1930s). The second World War was in the 1940s, during FDR's administration.

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The name has evolved over time from the, and now is now popularly referred to as WWII. Probably due to the fact that 'Great War 2' wouldn't sound as good. :)

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Q: When did World War 2 start being called World War 2?
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When did the terms World War 1 and World War 2 start being used to describe those conflicts?

when most of the world got involved hence the term "world war"

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Prior to the start of World War II, WWI was called "The Great War".

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the whole war that's why its called world war

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After the start of World War II.

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It didn't. It helped start World War 2.

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Harry S Truman did NOT start World War 2.