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Victory in Europe in World War II is called V-E Day and was on 8 May 1945,

after Germany surrendered unconditionally to Great Britain, Soviet Union (Russia) and United States.

Russia and some other countries celebrate Victory Day on May 9.

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14y ago
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10y ago

V-E day was on may 8,1945, and took place in Europe. It was the day in which the allies announced the surrender of German forces in Europe....(victory in Europe)

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13y ago

V (for Victory) happened about May 1945 with the surrender of German forces in Europe.

Victory happened in early September 1945 when Japan surrender also......

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What year did V-E day and V-J day happen?

It happened in 1945.

What happen v e day?

The Axis Powers in Europe formally surrendered to the Allied Forces.

Why did v-e day happen?

V-E day happened because the war in Euroupe was over and people were so glad that they celebrated around the world.

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V-E Day: May 8 V-J Day: September 2

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