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Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam ended in 1976.

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Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam was created in 1975.

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Army of the Republic of Vietnam ended in 1975.

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South Vietnam ended in 1975.

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Q: When did Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam end?
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The name of the Vietnam government during the Vietnam conflict?

Presuming you mean the government supported by the US: The Republic of South Vietnam.

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RVN=Republic of South Vietnam, a democracy.

What were the 1973 the Paris Peace Accords?

On January 27, 1973, the Paris Peace Accords were signed with the goal of ending American involvement in Vietnam. The signers were North Vietnam, South Vietnam, the United States and the Provisional Revolutionary Government who represented South Vietnamese revolutionaries.

What type of government was South Vietnam?

Republic of South Vietnam. A free democratic society.

What was the name of the government troops of the South Vietnam government?

ARVN=Army Republic of South Vietnam. NVA=North Vietnamese Army.

What type of government did Vietnam have?

Vietnam has a communist government.Communism is a social structure in which classes are abolished and property is commonly controlled, as well as a political philosophy and social movement that advocates and aims to create such a society.

The State of Vietnam's capital was?

The State of Vietnam (Vietnamese: Quốc gia Việt Nam) was a state that claimed authority over all of Vietnam during the First Indochina War, and replaced the Provisional Central Government of Vietnam (1948-1949). The provisional government was a brief transitional administration between colonial Cochinchina and an independent state. The state was created in 1949 and was internationally recognized in 1950, although its main power was in the south, whereas the Democratic Republic of Vietnam dominated the north. Former emperor Bảo Đại was chief of state (Quốc Trưởng). Ngô Đình Diệm was appointed prime minister in 1954. Diệm ousted Bảo Đại the following year and became president of the Republic of Vietnam.More information here:Hanoi tours - Hanoi travel - Vietnam tour at

What government was south Vietnam after the Geneva accords?

A free democratic Republic of South Vietnam; pending elections.

What type of government is Vietnam?

Vietnam is a unitary socialist republic, a single party state which is communist in nature.

What was the name of the Vietnam government during the Vietnam conflict?

SOUTH Vietnam was called the "REPUBLIC of South Vietnam." Everyone in those days just called North Vietnam...NORTH VIETNAM.