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Q: When did Mary queen of Scots Mary for a 2nd time?
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Is mary queen of scots elizabeth's sister?

No. Mary Queen of Scots was a cousin of Queen Elizabeth I of England. Elizabeth I had a half sister Mary, who was Queen Mary I of England - a different person from Mary Queen of Scots.

Why was Mary queen of Scots dangerous for England?

she became a threat to the English throne by wanting to unite Scotland and England under her rule, by dethroning Elizabeth the First ( her cousin) of course Liz the 2nd would not have that, so she sent her troops to overtake Mary, grab her and lock her up in the Tower, where she stayed until she was beheaded (ugh) and so ended the History lesson for today.

Who was the king of England at the time of the colonies?

There were actually quite a few of them, such as William 2nd and 3rd, Mary 2nd, James 2nd, Queen Anne, George 1st-4th.

Where did Lord Darnley die?

Henry, Lord Darnley, (2nd husband of Mary, Queen of Scots and father to her only son, James) died in 1563 in suspicious circumstances. He was found in the garden of a house in Kirk O'Field, Scotland, where an explosion had taken place. Although the house had been blown up, it seems that Darnley and his servants managed to get out of the windows, but it would appear that they had been strangled by assailants waiting for them. Mary and Lord Bothwell (who would become her 3rd husband) were implicated in Darnley's death, but nothing was proven.

What happened to Mary queen of Scott's decendants?

Her son James took the English throne after the death of his cousin Elizabeth I. He became the 1st monarch to rule both Scotland and England and thus was the 1st in the house of Stuart to rule both. The house of Stuart lasted unitil the death of Queen Anne in 1714 when it went to her 2nd cousin George (he was James I's great-grandson) and then was known as house of Hanover. This caused considerable nastiness with some people (Scotts) who thought the crown should go to Anne's little brother (also called James) however he wouldn't give up being a Catholic (had to be a protestent monarch) it got so nasty uprisings known as the Jacobite uprisings took place, but failed. The royal family today is decended from Mary, Queen of Scotts, ofcourse she has other decendents, some of which are more directly decended. If you google the house of Stuart you can learn more about them.

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Who was Mary of Guise?

She was the mother of Queen Mary I of Scots and acted as her regent. And she was also the 2nd wife of King James V of scotland.

Did henryviii have a sister?

HenryVIII had 2 sisters - Margaret Tudor who married Charles Brandon and is the grandmother of lady Jane Grey. his 2nd sister was - Mary Tudor who married JamesIV of Scotland and had Son JamesV of Scotland who married Mary Of Guise they went on to have a daughter called Mary Queen Of Scots.

Is mary queen of scots elizabeth's sister?

No. Mary Queen of Scots was a cousin of Queen Elizabeth I of England. Elizabeth I had a half sister Mary, who was Queen Mary I of England - a different person from Mary Queen of Scots.

Why was Mary queen of Scots dangerous for England?

she became a threat to the English throne by wanting to unite Scotland and England under her rule, by dethroning Elizabeth the First ( her cousin) of course Liz the 2nd would not have that, so she sent her troops to overtake Mary, grab her and lock her up in the Tower, where she stayed until she was beheaded (ugh) and so ended the History lesson for today.

How is Mary Queen of Scots related to Queen Elizabeth II?

Mary, Queen of Scots, gave birth to James VI of Scotland and was forced to abdicate the throne to him when he was 1. James VI became James I of England on the death of Elizabeth I. Then the crown went to his son Charles I, who was beheaded, once the monarchy was restored his son Charles II was put on the throne, followed by his brother James VII & II- who fled the country during the Glorious Revolution- at which time his daughter and her husband were invited to be Co- Monarchs William III and Mary II- had Mary died and William reigned alone (even though he was NOT in the direct succession it was the agreement of the government to allow him to rule with and then minus his wife. Had he had children after her death they would have been the next in line at which point it would have taken us away from the relations of Mary QUeen of Scots HOWEVER he never remarried or had children of his own so that NEVER happened). After William died his sister in law- the Sister of his wife and the Daughter of James VII and II. Once it was realized that she would never have a child survive into adulthood the Act of Settlement was passed which then backed UP the family line to the decendents of Sophia, Electress of Hanover and her Protestant decendents- Who's mother was the daughter of James VI and I and there for his grand daughter and the Great Grand Daughter of Mary, Queen of Scots, and through her the monarchs from George I until Elizabeth II all have decended. George I was a great great grandson of Mary Queen of Scots (from now on I'll list her as MQS), his son George II was the 3x great grandson of MQS, George III was the 5x great grandson of MQS, George IV was 6x great grandson as was his brother William IV. Their neice Victoria was 7x great grand daugher of MQS, her son Edward VII was 8x great grand son, his son George V was 9x great grandson, his son Edward VIII and his brother George VI were 10x great grandsons, and that makes Elizabeth her 11x great grand daughter of Mary Queen of Scots. People tend to discount women in history as "non-existent" and forget that women played the most important roles on the historical stage, but the men get all the attention! Through James VI & I daughter- which history largely forgets, and then her daughter who everyone else forgets about it seems (the first answer above for example) every Royal house in Europe is actually all decended from Mary Queen of Scots- thanks in large part to Victoria marrying her children and grandchildren off to everyone with a title at that time in Europe!

Who is the current constitutional monarchy in the UK?

Head of State is Queen Elizabeth, who traditionally should be entitled "Queen of Scots", noy "of Scotland". Don't call her "the Second" because the first Elizabeth was not Queen of Scots. First Minister of Scotland Is Alex Salmond.

When is Queen Elizabeth the third born?

There is no Queen Elizabeth 3rd. Queen Elizabeth 2nd of the United Kingdom (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor) was born on April 21, 1926.

Does Belize have a king and a queen?

Yes! Well, maybe. I just heard that Belize was claimed by King Phillip. That might have been a long time ago. All I know is that Belize's queen is Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary the 2nd. It is probably a good idea to find your info somewhere else.

Who was the king of England at the time of the colonies?

There were actually quite a few of them, such as William 2nd and 3rd, Mary 2nd, James 2nd, Queen Anne, George 1st-4th.

Who was queen Mary 2nd?

Mary II ruled jointly with husband William of nassau-who was of Dutch extraction. This Joint reign was called the Glorious Revolution as it increased religious tolerance of Catholics, for example, without bloodshed or violence. Queen Mary II is considered a regnant queen , llike Elizabeth I and II hence the number, unlike Mary the consort of George V who only ranks as a Consort Queen, Crown but no Scepter(Royal ceremonial Wand) Mary II died of smallpox in l694 and lies buried in Westminster Abbey/ William and Mary college named in their honor.

How is James1st related to Mary Queen of Scots?

James VI of Scotland went on to become James 1st of England following the death of Queen Elizabeth I, who died childless. This put an end to the Tudor Dynasty which was of Welsh origin, but James was a cousin of Elizabeth and so the nearest living relative to inherit the title of King of England and establish the Stuart Dynasty, obviously of Scots origin. Queen Elizabeth 2nd is related to him via his daughter by the following means: James 1st married Anne of Denmark in 1589 and they had three children, Henry Frederick, Elizabeth, and Charles. Henry Frederick served as Prince of Wales but died childless at the age of just 18- Charles went on to become Charles 1st of England and was the father of Charles 2nd, but Charles 1st was executed by Oliver Cromwell in 1649 at the end of the English Civil War, forcing Charles 2nd to flee abroad. Elizabeth went on to marry Frederick V, a German nobleman who became Elector of the Palatinate in Germany and went on to very briefly become King of Bohemia, with Elizabeth as his Queen. After the Restoration of the English Monarchy in 1660, Charles 2nd became King of England, but although he had many illegitimate children, he never had any directly via marriage. When he died, he was succeeded by his brother James 2nd. James's daughter Mary became Queen following her marriage to William III of Holland, but because of the tradition of having male preference to the throne, William was held to be joint ruler with Mary as oppose to being just her consort. That monarchical period is known as the time of 'William and Mary'. Their daughter, Queen Anne, died childless in 1714 (she had seventeen children, but all died in infancy). This put an end to the Stuart dynasty, leaving only the descendants of Elizabeth of Bohemia (James 1st's daughter) as claimants to the English throne. Elizabeth had a daughter, Sophia of Hanover, who's son was George Ludwig. He then became the English King as George 1st under the Act of Settlement, as being the nearest Protestant relative to the English royal line. The reign of the 'Georges' lasted until 1830 with the death of George 4th- his younger brother William succeeded the throne as William IV but had no children, so his niece Victoria acceded the throne in 1837 when William died. Queen Elizabeth 2nd is her direct descendant. This is how James 1st of England (and 6th of Scotland) is related to Queen Elizabeth 2nd. Her descent from the Stuart line is indirect, and her relationship to the Tudors is even more so.

What did Queen Elizabeth the 2nd own for the first time when her parents gave her one for her eighteenth birthday?
