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General Douglas MacArthur was no longer in the military when the Vietnam War began.

President Truman relieved him of Command during the Korean War on April 10, 1951.

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Q: When did MacArthur get discharged from the Vietnam war?
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What war did general MacArthur not participate world war 1 world war 2 the Korean war or the Vietnam war?

he did not participate in vietnam. He was discharged from the service in 1951 by Truman for disrespecting his superiors.

Did General Douglas MacArthur Fight In The Vietnam War?

No, General MacArthur fought in World War I, World War II, and the Korean War. In 1951, President Harry Truman discharged MacArthur for disrespecting him (Truman) and other superiors in charge of the Korean conflict.

How many US soldiers were honorably discharged in the Vietnam War?

97%: Westmoreland.

Who was the commander of the US military forces in Asia?

Douglas MacArthur

The impact of involvement in the Vietnam war on the soldiers who served in it?

They just did their duty, and discharged; being as how they had no say in the matter.

Who commanded UN troops in Korea?

According to, General Douglas Macarthur was commander of the UN forces during the Korean War until he was relieved by President Harry Truman.

How did American Soldiers face the coming to the Vietnam War?

Drafted men served for two years on active duty. They just did their time, and discharged.

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In which wars did General Douglas MacArthur not participate?

Nothing prior to 1900, nothing past 1953. Desert Storm (the first Gulf War, 1990) The Vietnam War. (President Truman fired MacArthur in 1951.) The French and Indian War The Peloponnesian War The Mexican-American War The US Civil War He was in the New Guinea campaign He went to the Philippines He wasn't in the Revolutionary War He wasn't in the War of 1812

Where there any soldiers that served in World War I World War 2 Korea and Vietnam?

Very doubtful. Anyone old enough to serve in World War 1 would have been quite elderly by the time Vietnam began. Douglas MacArthur was a general in both world wars and Korea, but he was retired and died before regular US forces were committed to Vietnam.

Which general was in charge of the war in the pacific in World War 2?

General MacArthur.

You were discharged 02 1976 are you eligible for Vietnam medical benefits?
