The Syrian Civil War started with Arab Spring Protests on 15 March 2011, which quickly escalated to violence when Bashar al-Assad ordered the military to fire on protesters.
This is a debatable answer.
Lebanon was part of the Ottoman Empire until 1918. In 1918, due to the Ottoman's loss in World War I, Lebanon became a French mandate. This means that the French had control of Lebanon, according to the League of Nations. It was granted it's independence in 1943; however, allied soldiers still occupied the country. The last French soldier did not leave until 1946.
Returning to the question, one could say that the "war of Lebanon" could be 1918.
However, there is a much more plausible war, the Lebanese Civil War. In 1975 civil war broke out in Lebanon. This bloody gruesome battle lasted until 1990. It left a very lasting and powerful scar on Lebanese society.
In truth, the correct answer to the question should be either 1918 or 1975, 1975 being the most logical.?
It was the Lebanese Civil War. The Druse are Lebanese Muslims, and they fought against Lebanese Christians for many years. It was an internal power struggle which devastated the country, but peace was finally agreed upon and Lebanon is rebuilding.
Because it should be a lesson in the futility of a war that it destroyed a beautiful, peaceful country
The Lebanese civil war took place from 1975 and ended in 1990. It took place in all of Lebanon. Starting from Beirut and ending in Byblos.
There are two viable answers:Jordan: In 1970/1971 The P.L.O actually tried to overthrow King Hussein of Jordan. This bought about a war in Jordan (called Black September) that ended with the P.L.O being expelled from that country and 15,000 Palestinian deaths.Lebanon: The Lebanese Civil War began in 1975 as the PLO had turned Southern Lebanon into its own micro-country and repressed the endemic Shiite Lebanese population. This Palestinian violence towards the Lebanese Shiites was one of many reasons why the Lebanese Civil War (1975-1991) broke out.
The first Lebanese people to migrate to Australia began in the 1870s, most were escaping economic hardship and religious and political persecution under the Ottoman Empire. Then a second wave a Lebanese people arrived in 1960s-80s following the Arab-Israeli War and the Civil War in Lebanon.
The Lebanese Civil War ended with signing of the Ta'if Agreement in 1989.
There were many causes for the Lebanese Civil War, but the greatest was likely the attempts of the PLO and other Palestinian Militant Organizations to coopt (through violence) the Lebanese Government to gain increased support for Palestinian Refugees in the country.
There were numerous Palestinian Refugee Camps that were involved in the Lebanese Civil War. One of the darkest moments of the Lebanese Civil War was when the Israeli military assisted the Christians Falangists massacre the Palestinian Refugee Camps of Sabra and Shatila.
It was the Lebanese Civil War. The Druse are Lebanese Muslims, and they fought against Lebanese Christians for many years. It was an internal power struggle which devastated the country, but peace was finally agreed upon and Lebanon is rebuilding.
Because it should be a lesson in the futility of a war that it destroyed a beautiful, peaceful country
The deaths of many innocents and the destruction of a once beautiful, productive country.
The Lebanese civil war took place from 1975 and ended in 1990. It took place in all of Lebanon. Starting from Beirut and ending in Byblos.
All three have had civil wars in recent times: Syria: 2011-Present - Syrian Civil War OR Syrian Arab Spring War Lebanon: 1975-1991 - Lebanese Civil War Jordan: 1970-1971 - Black September OR Jordanian Civil War
Somali Civil War happened in 1996.
Georgian Civil War happened in 1992.
Civil war in Tajikistan happened in 1993.