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Q: When did James cook go to new Hebrides?
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Where can you find pictures of James Cook?

You can find it on Wikipedia, or go to google and search James Cook image.

Did James Cook want to go to Australia?


Where did James Cook go to school?

Great Ayton, paid for by his fathers employer

Did someone ask James Cook to go on his first voyage?

yes the navy did

When did Captain James Cook go on a voyage?

James Cook made three significant voyages. His first journey departed in 1768, and he commanded the 'Endeavour' on an expedition to chart the transit of Venus. Cook went on to search for Terra Australis Incognita, the great continent which some believed to extend round the pole. During this voyage he became the first known European to sight the Eastern coast of Australia, in April 1770. On Cook's second journey which lasted from 1772-1775, he commanded the 'Resolution' and the 'Adventure' on an expedition to the South Pacific, disproving the rumour of a great southern continent, exploring the Antarctic Ocean, New Hebrides and New Caledonia. On his third journey, commencing in 1776, Cook visited and named the Sandwich Islands, now known as Hawaii, and unsuccessfully sought a northwest passage along the coast of North America. This was the journey on which he was killed by Hawaiian natives, on 14 February 1779.

Related questions

When did James cook go to new caledonia?

he went to necvhnjm 1756

What islands did Captain Cook go to?

Captain James Cook visited the islands of Fiji, Hawaii, Cook Islands and New Zealand.

What nicknames does James Magnum Cook go by?

James Magnum Cook goes by Magnum.

Did James Cook's sons go on his voyages?

No. James Cook was not accompanied by any family members.

Where can you find pictures of James Cook?

You can find it on Wikipedia, or go to google and search James Cook image.

Which pole did James cook go in his third voyage?

James Cook ventured in the Arctic during his third voyage.

Where did the explorer James cook go?


Where did james cook go on his second voyage?


Did James Cook try to go to California?

yes he did

Did James Cook want to go to Australia?


Did Elizabeth Batts go to sea with James Cook?

No. Wives rarely did.

What motivated James cook?

James cook loved the sea and was instructed to go on a mission to study the eclipse between Venus and the sun. after , he wanted to sail the world and do the same.