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But the Nazis were nationalists ...

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Q: When did Hitler stop being nationalist and start being nazi?
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Was Adolf Hitler a part of thecommunist party?

Hitler was part of the Nazi party, which refers to the Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party.

What did Hitler do as an adult?

Being Fuhrer of Nazi Germany and leader of the Nazi Party.

What was Nazi Berlin?

Nazi Barlin is when Berlin was being controlled by Nazis and Hitler

What political party did Hitler create during World War 2?

He created the nationalist social party later known as the Nazi party

What are Nazi about?

Hating Jews, swearing their oath to Hitler, and being German. And being Aryan

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The purpose of the Hitler youth was to start teaching children at a young age the Nazi ways.

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Hitler was a Nazi. He killed Jews.

What city did the Nazi party start in?

In Germany. Its Their Origens, Cause Hitler Was There He Inspired The Group!

Did Hitler found a new political party?

No, he just joined the Nazi party, but he did not start it.

When did Hitler become the leader of the Nazi party?

he did not start the partyok dude he already did

How did Hitler create the Nazi party?

Hitler was not the founder of the Nazi Party.