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Germany signed an unconditional surrender on May 7/8, 1945. Japan would go on to surrender roughly 4 months later, ending the Second World War.

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Q: When did Germany surrender to the US in World War 2?
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Was World War 2 over for the US when the German's surrendered?

No, the Japanese were still fighting against the US at the time of Germany's surrender. World War 2 ended after the nuclear bombings of Japan.

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Japan surrendered after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in WW2 .

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In Europe, Russia. They took Berlin, not Americans or British. In the Pacific, the U.S. finished the war. By some standards this "ended World War 2" because Japan surrendered after Germany. ==Another opinion== Germany did NOT surrender.

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The US declared war on Germany, hour after Germany declared war on the US on December 11, 1941.

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Germany declared war on the US after Pearl Harbour.