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February 19, 1942

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Q: When did Franklin D. Roosevelt sign Executive order 9066?
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Who signed the executive order 9066?

Franklin Roosevelt signed this order in 1942.

What bad decisions did Franklin D. Roosevelt make?

executive order 9066

Who authorised internment of Japanese in world war 2?

President Franklin D. Roosevelt authorized the internment with Executive Order 9066 .

Who ordered the Japanese internment during World War 2?

Franklin Roosevelt by Executive Order 9066.

What power allowed Franklin D. Roosevelt to place Japanese Americans in internment camps during World War 2?

Executive Order 9066 .

What is an example of Executive orders?

One noted example was Franklin Roosevelt's order 9066 of 1942 which placed some 7000 Japanese- Americans into detention camps.

What did Roosevelt issue in 1942 that lead to the internment of over 100000 Japanese Americans?

Executive Order 9066.

What was the name of the government act signed by Roosevelt that essentially allowed for the internment of Japanese Americans?

Executive Order 9066

Why were the internment camps opened?

They were opened persuant to Executive Order 9066 signed by Franklin Roosevelt on 19 February 1942. Many Americans were concerned about further further activities by what they wrongly felt were enemies. It was a form of national hysteria.

What were some reasons to cancel executive order 9066?

Executive order 9066 was to put Japanese Americans in internment camps. It was wrong and harmed these citizens needlessly.

What is a presidential executive order?

When the president uses his authority as head of the government to order a federal agency to perform certain actions. This does not require congressional approval.

How did the Executive Order 9066 ended?

Order 9066 ended in 1984 with Korematsu vs. US