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most of the population of the USA is of European decent, Europeans have been immigrating there since 1492

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Q: When did Europeans immigrate the US?
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Which group actively encouraged europeans to immigrate to the great plains?

The federal government

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Why did Pakistani immigrate to the US?

its safer in the us

What factors encouraged southern and eastern europeans to immigrate in the late 1800?

Poverty, war, and famine were some of the factors.

What was required to immigrate in 1800's?

In the 1800's, Europeans could immigrate if they were not insane, sick, or had spent time in prison. Asians were not aloud to immigrate, so they had to sneak onto ships. If they were spotted, they would be put to death.

When and why did Scandinavians immigrate to the US?

to get better land

Why did Britain's immigrate to US?

There are various reasons that Britain's citizens might immigrate to the US. For example, they might move there to marry an American they met on the internet.

When did Arabs immigrate to the US and how many?

About 200,000 Arabs migrated to the US

Why people immigrate to the us?

for freedom and a better life

Where did the Irish immigrate too?

they immigrated to the US and Canada

When did the English immigrate to the US from England?

434 b.C.

From what country did most people immigrate to the us?
