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He did very little for Brazil in his first few years in office, but then he became Emperor at the age of 5.

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Q: When did Dom Pedro become emperor of Brazil and what did he do when he became emperor?
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Emperor Pedro II of Brazil was born on December 2, 1825.

When was Emperor Pedro II of Brazil born?

Emperor Pedro II of Brazil was born on December 2, 1825.

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That would be Dom Pedro I, also known as Prince Pedro, who was crowned the first Emperor of Brazil in 1822.

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he was an emperor of Brazil

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Emperor Pedro II of Brazil died on December 5, 1891 at the age of 66.

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Emperor Pedro II of Brazil died on December 5, 1891 at the age of 66.

Who became the leader of an independent Brazil?

Dom Pedro I, its first emperor. If you mean: who was the first president of the present Republic of Brazil, it was Marshall Deodoro da Fonseca.

Who was the emperor of Brazil in eighteen seventy six?

Dom Pedro II was the emperor of Brazil in 1876.

Who was the Emperor of an Independent Brazil?

Dom Pedro

Who was the emperor of the independent Brazil?

Dom Pedro