

When did Columbus fined America?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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12y ago

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Columbus discovered America in 1492.

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Q: When did Columbus fined America?
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What land did christopher Columbus fined?

to eat

What did Columbus fined in his 1 voyage?

He found new land.

Where was Mexico fined in?

In North America, south of the United States.

How old was Columbus when he fond America?

Columbus was 41 years old when he reached America

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There are no Bank of America ATMs in Columbus, Ohio

When and where did Columbus land?

He landed by Cuba and the hisponola area. Columbus landed in 1492

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Christopher Columbus accidentally discovered America for Spain.

Why is America known as America not Columbus after the death of Columbus?

Christopher Columbus never actually landed on continental North America. America is named after Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian explorer. (America is the feminized Latin version of Amerigo)

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Columbus discovered America.

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No Columbus discovered America first.

How many years ago to Columbus come to America?

Columbus first came to America in 1492.

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None, Columbus was dead, he came to America in 1492