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It happened when post modernity gave rise to freedom (from) religion in the late 80's... freethinkers, atheists etc. pushed the right to not have dates enforced that reminded them of Christianity. Try writing 2010 A.D on any business document today and see the strange looks you'll get. The other side to this is.... it's 2010... so from when did we start counting?? Mmm

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Q: When did BC become BCE?
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Which comes first 12 bc or 5 bce?

BC, which is Before Christ, and BCE, which is Before Common Era, actually refer to the same thing. Years in BC/BCE work in reverse. So 12 BC/BCE came before 5 BC/BCE.

What abbreviation are used to describe the same period of time?

ce and bce or bc and bce

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In 539 BCE King Cyrus conquered Babylon.

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The century for 561 bc, or more correctly 561 BC (also, BC is sometimes termed BCE) is: The 6th century BC

Is BC before BCE?

BCE stands for Before Common Era. BC stands for Before Christ. That are the exact same time period he difference is that BC has religious ties and BCE does not.

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When referred to BC (or BCE) period, the numeration of years is backwards:1000 BC, 999BC,..... 2 BC, 1BC etc. Having said so, it is 524 BCE comes before 523 BCE.

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88 BCE is in the first century BC or BCE.

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the 21st century BC or BCE

When did BC become AD?

it means the dates of the past like bc is the same as bce which id the decrease of dates like 524bce to 520bce is 2 years but ad is the opposite

Is Hammurabi a person or a place?

Hammurabi is a person. King Hammurabi was the sixth ruler of ancient Babylon. He lived from 1818 BC (BCE) to 1750 BC (BCE). BC = Before Christ BCE = Before Common Era BC and BCE refer to the same time period. Use whichever abbreviation your teacher suggests.

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The year after 20 BC is 19 BCE.

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