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In 1806 Andrew Jackson, killed Charles Dickinson in a gentlemen's dual. The dispute was over remarks made by Dickinson about Jackson's wife, the former Rachel Robbards.

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Q: When did Andrew Jackson fight a gentlemen's dual?
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What president lived with a bullet lodged near his heart from a dual in which he killed the other guy?

Alexander Hamilton was killed in a duel with Aaron Burr. Andrew Jackson had a duel with a man who was quicker with a pistol than he was,so Jackson let the other man shoot first and then took careful aim and killed the other guy. The other guy missed Jackson's heart because his coat lapel bloused up and disguised its exact location, but did not miss by much. The bullet was too close to the heart to be removed safely so Jackson kept it the rest of his life.

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Not gold or old. The date 2008 is on the edge of the coin. The dual dates 1829-1837 are the years Andrew Jackson served as president. It's just a dollar.

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A dual or a showdown

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President Jackson lived with a bullet right under his heart most of his life. He sustained this injury in a duel with Charles Dickinson in May 1806. After Charles Dickinson shot him, Jackson shot and killed Dickinson.

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No, you cannot. There is a point in the beginning of Kingdom Hearts II, however, when you fight a boss with dual keyblades. You play as Roxas in The Mansion's basement, and you fight Axel, an Organization XIII member. You can also fight with dual keyblades when in Wisdom, Valor, Master, or Final Form as Sora (also in Kingdom Hearts II).

What is a dual scene?

dual adj. Composed of two usually like or complementary parts; doubleWell, A dual scene could mean two things... either it's a scene performed with a partner (probably your answer) or it is a scene in which you fight to the death (probably not your answer).

Can you use dual and duel in a sentence?

Sure! "The twins engaged in a friendly dual to see who could finish their homework first, while the knights prepared for a fierce duel on the battlefield."

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He fights with Bruce Lee in the Colloseum in Rome. It is a fairly even fight, but Bruce Lee wins, killing Chuck.

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fight and build simultaneously depending on the security of the situation and a variety of other factors

What is the value of a Damascus steel shotgun with dual hammers?

send Andrew an iquiry at, with some good pictures he should be able to give you an accurate value

What do you call a shoot out with guns?

If it involves two individuals who agree to a shootout, it would be called a dual. If it is a military action, it would be called a fire fight.