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When Thesues can move the shoes and sord underneath a heavy stone.

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Q: When could thesues mother send him to the king?
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Theseuss mother could send him to the king his father when Theseus?

could take his shoes and sword from under a heavy stone. grew up, he should move the rock, if he were hero enough, and take the royal sandals and sword for himself as evidence of his royal parentage.

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Mother (mummy) said to send the resume to uncle. (Mummy told me to send the resume to uncle.)

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Where can you send The Hunger Games cast a letter?

You go to the set of the movie, stalk their mother, and when you get to their house, you look at the address and send them the raunchy fan letter. Simple as that. Course while your at it, you could have asked the mother what the address was or handed it to her there, but, where's the fun in that? Personally, I love stalking people. Especially your face.

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Polydectes: who Perseus offered any bride gift to, as he didn't have one. Polydectes was King of the island upon which Perseus and his mother resided on, and Polydectes took advantage of the offer to send Perseus away so to woe his mother.