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Lewis and Clark traveled up the Missouri River to what later became known as Ft. Mandan. Here they spent their first winter and built a fort (it later became known as Ft. Mandan because of the Mandan Indians there). At this location there was a Frenchman (fur trapper/trader) with is Shoshone wife (he had two Indian wives but Sacagawea was the Shoshone wife that was beneficial to Lewis and Clark) Sacagawea had been captured by the Hidatsas Indians several years earlier and Tousaint Charbonneau took her for his wife -- Indian style (who knows what that was). But it was Sacagawea that was of interest to Lewis and Clark for her knowledge of the territory and the language of the Shoshones (the Snake Indians) whom they knew they would encounter. That winter, Sacagawea had a little baby, Jean-Baptiste Charboneau (nicknamed Pomp), so the party did not depart Ft. Mandan until the baby was old enough to travel with the party (probably 1-3 months old). Sacagawea carried this little baby on her back all the way to the Pacific Ocean and back to St. Louis. I think it was Clark who like this baby very much and offered to educate him in a white man's school when he was old enough to leave his mother. Clark did as he promised and provided a very good education. Baptiste had the opportunity during this time to travel to Europe and was even introduced to several royalty personalities. He learned to speak German, giving his language repertoire of French (from his father) English from Lewis and Clark and the school, and he learned German while in Europe. When he returned, for some reason he became disaffected with the white man's world and returned to the Indians. He did continue he white man's contact by serving in several scouting ventures as the white men pushed on further west. (Note: I just wrote this by memory as I remember reading about it. There may be some slight mistakes in what I have said but most of it is right.) By the way, Sacagawea's sister died soon after giving birth to a baby boy named Bazil, and thus this baby boy also was considered Sacagawea's son but only by adoption. This boy was slightly older that Baptiste. Bazil later married and had a daughter named Maggie, who married a White man named Shadrack Large, who lived in Southern Wyoming. Their son, Charlie, married my grandmother's half-sister. One of Charlie Larges sisters married one of my grandmother's half-brothers. The living decendants mostly live on the Wind River Indian Reservation at present.

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Q: When and where did Lewis and Clark hire the French fur trader Toussaint Charbonneau and his Shoshone wife Sacagawea to act as an interpreters on the journey ahead?
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Who is Cameahwait?

Cameahwait was Sacagawea's brother and a chief of the Shoshone. Sacagawea was kidnapped by the Hidatsa as a young girl and later sold to French fur-trapper Toussaint Charbonneau. Charbonneau and Sacagawea traveled with Lewis and Clark on their Expedition to the Pacific as guides. On this trip, Sacagawea was reunited with her brother, Cameahwait, whom she had not seen in years. He had thought she was dead. To thank Clark for bringing his sister to him, Cameahwait gave the Expedition members much-needed horses.

Why were the Shoshone important to Lewis and Clark?

Sacagewea was a Shoshone woman and was kidnapped when she was little and was sold to her husband Toussaint Carbonneau. Sacagawea was a guide and interpreter on the expedition. When they came across the shoshone, sacagawea convinced them to supply them with horses and food.

Who was the Shoshone woman who aided the Lewis and Clark expedition?

Sah-cah-jah-wee-ah Sacajawea (or Sacagawea) was born c. 1788. She was a Shoshone woman whom Toussaint Charbonneau, a French Canadian trapper, acquired from a Hidatsa warrior. Lewis and Clark would winter at the present site of Bismarck, North Dakota, where they met her. Sacagawea was 16 or 17 when she and her husband, Toussaint Charbonneau, joined the Lewis and Clark party in the winter of 1804-05. She became invaluable as a guide in the region of her birth, near the Three Forks of the Missouri, and as a interpreter between the expedition and her tribe when the expedition reached that area. She would give birth during the expedition to Jean-Baptiste Charbonneau on February 11, 1805, whom Clark later raised and educated. She also quieted the fears of other Native Americans, for no war party traveled with a woman and a small baby. She was with the Corps of Discovery until they arrived back in St. Louis on September 23, 1806. Some Native American oral traditions relate that rather than dying in 1812, Sacagawea left her husband Charbonneau, crossed the Great Plains and married into a Comanche tribe, then returned to the Shoshone in Wyoming where she died in 1884.

What old Indian woman was nice to Lewis and clark?

Sacajawea (or Sacagawea) was born c. 1788. in an Agaidiku tribe of the Lemhi Shoshone in Idaho. In 1800, when she was about twelve, she and several other girls were kidnapped by a group of Hidatsa warriors during a battle. At about thirteen years of age, Sacagawea was taken as a wife by Toussaint Charbonneau, a French trapper living in the village, who had also taken another young Shoshone named Otter Woman as a wife. Lewis and Clark would winter at the present site of Bismarck, North Dakota, where they met her. Sacagawea was 16 or 17 when she and her husband, Toussaint Charbonneau, joined the Lewis and Clark party on November 4, 1804. She became invaluable as a guide in the region of her birth, near the Three Forks of the Missouri, and as a interpreter between the expedition and her tribe when the expedition reached that area. She would give birth during the expedition to Jean-Baptiste Charbonneau on February 11, 1805, whom Clark later raised and educated. She also quieted the fears of other Native Americans, for no war party traveled with a woman and a small baby. She was with the Corps of Discovery until they arrived back in St. Louis on September 23, 1806. She was with the Corps of Discovery until they arrived back in St. Louis on September 23, 1806. After the expedition, William Clark offered Toussaint and Sacajawea a place in St. Louis and a proper education for Jean-Baptiste (at a time where there was no opportunity for Native Americans to receive an education). Toussaint then took a job with the Missouri Fur Company, and stayed at Fort Manuel Lisa in present-day North Dakota. Evidence suggests that Sacagawea died at the fort in 1812. Some Native American oral traditions relate that rather than dying in 1812, Sacagawea left her husband Toussaint Charbonneau, crossed the Great Plains and married into a Comanche tribe, then returned to the Shoshone in Wyoming where she died in 1884. After her death, Toussaint signed over complete custody of his son Jean-Baptiste and his daughter Lisette over to William Clark.

Who served Lewis and Clark as a guide when they explored The Louisiana Purchase?

Sacajawea (or Sacagawea) was born c. 1788. in an Agaidiku tribe of the Lemhi Shoshone in Idaho. In 1800, when she was about twelve, she and several other girls were kidnapped by a group of Hidatsa warriors during a battle. At about thirteen years of age, Sacagawea was taken as a wife by Toussaint Charbonneau, a French trapper living in the village, who had also taken another young Shoshone named Otter Woman as a wife. Lewis and Clark would winter at the present site of Bismarck, North Dakota, where they met her. Sacagawea was 16 or 17 when she and her husband, Toussaint Charbonneau, joined the Lewis and Clark party on November 4, 1804. She became invaluable as a guide in the region of her birth, near the Three Forks of the Missouri, and as a interpreter between the expedition and her tribe when the expedition reached that area. She would give birth during the expedition to Jean-Baptiste Charbonneau on February 11, 1805, whom Clark later raised and educated. She also quieted the fears of other Native Americans, for no war party traveled with a woman and a small baby. She was with the Corps of Discovery until they arrived back in St. Louis on September 23, 1806. She was with the Corps of Discovery until they arrived back in St. Louis on September 23, 1806. After the expedition, William Clark offered Toussaint and Sacajawea a place in St. Louis and a proper education for Jean-Baptiste (at a time where there was no opportunity for Native Americans to receive an education). Toussaint then took a job with the Missouri Fur Company, and stayed at Fort Manuel Lisa in present-day North Dakota. Evidence suggests that Sacagawea died at the fort in 1812. Some Native American oral traditions relate that rather than dying in 1812, Sacagawea left her husband Toussaint Charbonneau, crossed the Great Plains and married into a Comanche tribe, then returned to the Shoshone in Wyoming where she died in 1884. After her death, Toussaint signed over complete custody of his son Jean-Baptiste and his daughter Lisette over to William Clark.

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What tribe was Sacagawea and Charbonneau from?


Who did Lewis and clark bring along on there expedition?

Lewis and Clark brought a group of about 30 people on their expedition, including soldiers, interpreters, scouts, and a Shoshone woman named Sacagawea and her husband Toussaint Charbonneau. Sacagawea played a crucial role in the success of the expedition by serving as an interpreter and guide.

Who did Lewis and Clark meet on their journey?

Lewis and Clark met various Native American tribes during their journey, including the Mandan, Shoshone, and Nez Perce. They also encountered the French fur trapper Toussaint Charbonneau and his Shoshone wife Sacagawea, who played a crucial role as interpreters and guides for the expedition.

When did Sacajawea meet Lewis and clark?

Sacajawea met Lewis and Clark in November 1804 when they arrived at the Mandan villages in present-day North Dakota. She and her husband, Toussaint Charbonneau, were hired as interpreters and guides for the expedition.

How did Toussaint Charbonneau meet Lewis and Clark?

When Lewis and Clark wintered at the present site of Bismarck, North Dakota, there they met Sacagawea and her husband in 1804. Toussaint Charbonneau was interviewed to interpret Hidatsa for the Lewis and Clark expedition, but Lewis and Clark (esp. Clark) were not overly impressed with him. However, Sacagawea his wife spoke Shoshone and Hidatsa, so they hired Charbonneau on November 4, and he and Sacagawea moved into Fort Mandan a week later. Sacagawea was 16 or 17 at this time.

When did Lewis and Clark meet Sacagawea?

When Lewis and Clark wintered at the present site of Bismarck, North Dakota, there they met Sacagawea and her husband in 1804. Toussaint Charbonneau was interviewed to interpret Hidatsa for the Lewis and Clark expedition, but Lewis and Clark (esp. Clark) were not overly impressed with him. However, Sacagawea his wife spoke Shoshone and Hidatsa, so they hired Charbonneau on November 4,1804 and he and Sacagawea moved into Fort Mandan a week later. Sacagawea was 16 or 17 at this time.

Who did Lewis and Clark hire as a interpreter?

Lewis and Clark hired a French-Canadian fur trapper named Toussaint Charbonneau to serve as their interpreter. Charbonneau's Shoshone wife, Sacagawea, also played a crucial role as an interpreter and guide during the expedition.

What is the name of Toussaint Charbonneau's wife?

Sacajawea (or Sacagawea) was born c. 1788. in an Agaidiku tribe of the Lemhi Shoshone in Idaho. In 1800, when she was about twelve, she and several other girls were kidnapped by a group of Hidatsa warriors during a battle. At about thirteen years of age, Sacagawea was taken as a wife by Toussaint Charbonneau, a French trapper living in the village, who had also taken another young Shoshone named Otter Woman as a wife. Lewis and Clark would winter at the present site of Bismarck, North Dakota, where they met her. Sacagawea was 16 or 17 when she and her husband, Toussaint Charbonneau, joined the Lewis and Clark party on November 4, 1804.

What were Sacagawea's hobbies?

Sacagawea did not have time for hobbies. She grew up doing chores for her Shoshone mother. She was captured by a rival tribe, the Hidatsa. She later became the property of French-Canadian fur trader Toussaint Charbonneau. Because Sacagawea was able to speak both Hidatsa and Shoshone, she was valuable to help Louis and Clark.

Did toussaint charbonneau join the Lewis and clark expedition?

Yes, Toussaint Charbonneau joined the Lewis and Clark expedition as an interpreter. He was hired mainly because of his wife, Sacagawea, who was a Shoshone woman and crucial to the success of the expedition due to her knowledge of the land and languages. Charbonneau also provided some assistance as an interpreter and guide during the expedition.

When did Sacagawea join Lewis and Clark?

When Lewis and Clark wintered at the present site of Bismarck, North Dakota, there they met Sacagawea and her husband in 1804. Toussaint Charbonneau was interviewed to interpret Hidatsa for the Lewis and Clark expedition, but Lewis and Clark (esp. Clark) were not overly impressed with him. However, Sacagawea his wife spoke Shoshone and Hidatsa, so they hired Charbonneau on November 4, and he and Sacagawea moved into Fort Mandan a week later. Sacagawea was 16 or 17 at this time.

Where did Luis and Clark meet Sacagawea?

When Lewis and Clark wintered at the present site of Bismarck, North Dakota, there they met Sacagawea and her husband in 1804. Toussaint Charbonneau was interviewed to interpret Hidatsa for the Lewis and Clark expedition, but Lewis and Clark (esp. Clark) were not overly impressed with him. However, Sacagawea his wife spoke Shoshone and Hidatsa, so they hired Charbonneau on November 4, and he and Sacagawea moved into Fort Mandan a week later. Sacagawea was 16 or 17 at this time.