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The Union of England and Wales occurred during the reign of Henry VIII. Wales had been governed by English kings since the days of Edward I, but Wales was run separately from England, and Ireland was too was run by English kings but as a separate country. Each part of Wales was run by a separate lord and these lords were always quarrelling with one another and some even rebelled against the king. Henry did not like this and decided to join the two states together so that he could govern more effectively. He did not make a Union of the 2 states but instead rolled Wales up into England. The Law in Wales Act 1535 said that Wales was and had always been part of England and now it was time for it to be governed the same way as the rest of England and so Wales was divided into counties, like England, and sent members to Parliament, like England, and Welsh Law was abolished and English law put in its place. The man who arranged all this for the king was Thomas Cromwell. His great grandnephew, Oliver Cromwell, later rebelled against another king, Charles I.

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15y ago

I believe that England and Wales were united together under Edward I of England. But it wasn't through marriage like England and Scotland. Edward conquered the Welsh and made his own son prince of Wales in place of Llywellyn ap Gruffudd. That was in about 1282. Wales wasn't ruled by a Welsh ruler until 1485 when Henry Tudor became Henry VII of England. The Tudors were Welsh. I view Henry as the future king of the prophecy about King Arthur.

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Q: When and under which famous monarch were England and Wales officially joined?
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When and which famous monarch were England and Wales officially joined?


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