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Go to jail i think

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Q: When a government no longer protects its people they have the right to?
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What basic ideas about the government were in the declaration of independence?

The people have the right to change government when it no longer works for the people.

What is the basic belief of the declaration of the independence?

That man has the natural rights given by God and that when the government no longer protects these rights that the people have the right to change the government. He then lists the reason/charges against the King to back up that the king is no longer protecting these rights. The basic message and belief is that the people of the 13 colonies should be free from British rule.

What are two of the declaration's ideas about government?

1. That governments are formed by people for protection and services 2. When that government no longer serves the people it is the right of the people to change the government.

Which amendments protects the right to petition the government?

1st Amendment.

How does the first amendment guarantee your right to voice your opinion?

The First Amendment protects people's right to free speech, meaning they may not be stopped from criticizing the government. It also protects the right of people to peaceably assemble, meaning that people can get together to protest actions of the government as long as they do so peaceably. Lastly it protects the right of the people to petition the government for redress of grievances, meaning that Congress cannot shut anyone out of at least raising complaints about issues. In sum, it asssures that the government does not get complete control of how the government runs the way a monarchy, like Great Britain was able to do.

What rights were protected by the bill of right?

It protects us from acts of government

Do you have a right to rebel against your?

Yes It is not only the right but the duty of all people to rebel against the government when the government no longer serves the interest of the people. The people are the country. We elect people to represent us to the world. When those representatives no longer act on the peoples voice it is time for the people to rise up and replace it with one that does.

What does it mean by the claim that people have a right of revolution?

It means that people have a right to dissent against a government that they feel has grown tyrannical and no longer represents the majority of citizens.

What does the declaration say the government becomes destructive?

I'm assuming that you mean "where" and not "what" when you ask this, so here's the answer: "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." To paraphrase, this is stating that when a govenment no longer protects the rights of "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness", then the governed have the right to abolish that government for the good of the people.

What amendment protects people right?


Which part of the constitution protects interest groups right to assemble and petition the government?

1st amendment

Which part of the constitution protects interest group right to assembles and petition the government?

1st amendment