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Some of the Union troops shouted "Fredericksburg! Fredericksburg" after the fleeing Confederates. There had been a major Battle at Fredericksburg, Virginia the preceding December.. There the Union was lined up and made as many as fifteen separate charges at Confederates dug in at an exceptionally strong defensive position. It was a lopsided Confederate victory, with Union troops shot down in the thousands. None got within fifty feet of the Confederate position at Fredericksburg. So at Gettysburg, with the repulse of Pickett's Charge, the Union troops felt they had repaid some of the grief they had experienced at Fredericksburg.

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Q: When Union troops defeated Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg in July 3 -1863 what did they shout at the fleeing Rebels and why?
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Which battle featured Picketts charge?


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The Union Army defeated the Confederate attack known as Pickett's charge. It is considered to be the decisive point in the battle of Gettysburg.

What was the famous charge at the center of the union line at Gettysburg called?

Picketts Charge

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Battle of Gettysburg

What year did Picketts charge take place?

July 03 1863 at the battle of Gettysburg.

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No Grant was not at Gettysburg, he was in Vicksburg, Mississippi on July 3rd

Did picketts charge at Gettysburg brake the union line?

No. If it had, Gettysburg probably would not have ended the way it did and Lee would have marched even farther north.

What was Gettysburg remembered for?

Gettysburg is remembered most for Confederate General George Picketts charge on day three. Even though the Federals won the battle.

How do you describe picketts charge?

picketts charge is ..........................................

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What famous thing happened during the Battle of Gettysburg?

A number of famous things occured at the Battle of Gettysburg things such as: Picketts Charge Battle of Little Round Top Lee's Retreat Ended Lee's Northern Campaign and many more.

Did the Battle of Gettysburg last 3 days?

Yes, the battle of Gettysburg lasted three days. It was July 1st, 2nd and 3rd 1863. Neither side intended to fight at Gettysburg, the armies met on the outskirts of town on July 1st. Picketts charge ended the battle on July 3rd. The army of Northern Virginia retreated from Gettysburg on July 4th 1863.