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Q: When General Lee invaded the north what battle did he stop at?
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How did the Battle of Gettysburg stop Lee's army from invading the North?

Gettysburg forced Lee to abandon his invasion of the North, but it did not prevent it.

Battle of Antietem?

The Battle of Antietam was the bloodiest battle Americans have ever participated in. It occurred on September 17, 1862. More Americans died at the battle than any other battle by the U.S.A. Despite their loss, the Union was able to stop the Confederacy from progressing north into Union territory.

Who was victorious at the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863?

The Union was victorious at the Battle of Gettysburg. The Battle of Gettysburg was a key battle that helped the Union win the Civil War. It certainly helped, however, the North failed to stop the Army of Northern Virginia to keep on fighting until early 1865.

Did fighting between the north and south immediately stop after General Robert E. Lee gave his army to General Grant?

No. There was another Confederate army under Joe Johnston in North Carolina, which did not surrender for another two weeks, and other small units West of the Mississippi, which continued to skirmish for a few weeks after that.

Why did the us become involved in the Vietnam war-?

The US became involved in the Vietnam War in an attempt to stop the spread of Communism. The US worried that if South Vietnam fell, it would create a domino effect. The war lasted from 1955 to 1975.

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Who was George McClellan in Civil War?

Geroge McClellan was a general in the civil war. He was fighting for the north trying to stop the sounth from getting more power. he was under the comand of Abraham Lincoln. He was the general in a the Battle of Antietam. hope this helps

How did the Battle of Gettysburg stop Lee's army from invading the North?

Gettysburg forced Lee to abandon his invasion of the North, but it did not prevent it.

Why was the battle of gettysberg fought?

The other side was mad. Meade sought to stop Lee's invasion of the North.

One of the key developments enabling the Union to stop the Confederate thrust into the North at Antietam was?

the discovery of lees battle plans

Battle of Antietem?

The Battle of Antietam was the bloodiest battle Americans have ever participated in. It occurred on September 17, 1862. More Americans died at the battle than any other battle by the U.S.A. Despite their loss, the Union was able to stop the Confederacy from progressing north into Union territory.

Who did south Korea ask for help to stop the north Korea invasion?

The Soviet Union organized, and equipped the North Korean Army. North Korea wanted Communism but South Korea did not. So North Korea invaded South Korea as an attempt to make it communism. Nobody gave them permission. It was North Koreas decision, which was supported by the Soviet Union

Who was victorious at the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863?

The Union was victorious at the Battle of Gettysburg. The Battle of Gettysburg was a key battle that helped the Union win the Civil War. It certainly helped, however, the North failed to stop the Army of Northern Virginia to keep on fighting until early 1865.

What triggred the begining of the Korean war?

The Korean War of 1950 was triggered when forces from North Korea invaded South Korea. This situation brought the United Nations into action and their plans to stop this conflict as soon as possible.

How was the Korean a war to stop communism?

North Korea was and remains a communist nation, and in 1950 it invaded the non-communist nation of South Korea. The UN acted to defeat the invasion. South Korea as a result did not become communist.

Did war stop on Christmas during battle of the bulge?

no, did not stop.........................

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