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adopt the customs of their people

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Q: When Alexander and his other military soldiers married a woman from another culture?
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How does culture spread from one place to another place?

culture passes from place to another through military activities, marketing, and Immigration

What is hellenization?

Hellenism is the blend of Greek culture after Alexander the Great died. Alexander killed all men of the lands he conquered, which spreaded Greek culture with other cultures. Alexander decides to leave soldiers for women of that land, and their babies end out to have Greek blood.

When Alexander and his military officers married women of other culture?

adopted the customs of those people

What is the name of the great military leader that spread the Greek culture across Asia?

Alexander the Great.

Who was the great military leader who added surrounding lands to the Greek empire and spread Greek culture across Asia?

Alexander the Great

What are the contributions of Alexander the great to the growth and development of ancient Greece empire?

Alexander the great contributed to Greece by the Hellenization of its Empire. It is where Greek culture, philosophies, teachings are spread throughout the land. This was the product of Aristotle being Alexander's tutor in his early years. Though he was a fierce military leader, he showed his intelligence and passion for Greek Culture through the spreading of Greek Culture.

Spartan society was centered around military and all citizens were required to be hardened soldiers why did Sparta turn into a military culture?

Geographically, Sparta was the largest city-state, and all that land meant that many soldiers were needed to guard against pirates.

Spartan society was centered around the military and all citizens were required to be hardened soldiers Why did Sparta turn into a military culture?

Geographically, Sparta was the largest city-state, and all that land meant that many soldiers were needed to guard against pirates.

Why did Alexander the Great want local soldiers and government officials to speak only greek?

He was attempting to impose Greek culture in his empire as he thought it superior.

How did Alexander the Great Sread Greeek culture?

alexander its not a greek.alexander is macedonian .he expanded the macedonian culture not greek culture

What was Alexander the Greats plan?

to spread greek culture and civilization.(hellenistic culture)

What is the culture alexander admired and loved?

Greek culture.