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1513 (with Balboa)

1524, 1526 Peru

1530 he returned as a conquistador and subsequently took over Peru.

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Q: What years did Francisco Pizarro explore?
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Why did Francisco Pizarro want to explore?

Francisco Pizarro wanted to explore because he wanted to find land and gold!

Did Francisco Pizarro find the headwaters of the Amazon?

No, Francisco Pizarro did not explore the Amazon.

Why did Francisco Pizarro want to explore and what was he looking for?

Francisco Pizarro was looking for gold and other valuable resources.

What francisco Pizarro Explore?

Francisco Pizarro was the spanish conquerer of Inca Empire and founder of Lima, Peru

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When did Francisco Pizarro explore Peru?

1596Type your answer here...

What time period did Francisco Pizarro explore?


Why did francisco Pizarro explore Peru?

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Who did Francisco Pizarro explore for?

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What years did Pizarro explore?

Francisco Pizarro explored primarily during the early 16th century. His most famous expedition was in 1532 when he conquered the Inca Empire.

Who is the first to explore Peru and conquered the incans?

Francisco Pizarro