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Q: What years did August 19 fall on a Saturday?
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What day of the week did August 19th 2000 fall on?

August 19, 2000 was a Saturday.

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August 19, 1989 was a Saturday.

What day of the week was August 19 1967?

August 19, 1967 fell on a Saturday.

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August 19 1978 was a Saturday.

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August 19, 1995 fell on a Saturday.

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What day was August 19 1972?

August 19th 1972 was a Saturday.

What day of the week was August 19 2006?

It was a Saturday.

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How often does may 19 fall on a Saturday?

The odds of May 19 falling on a Saturday are exactly 14.5%. In other words, it happens an average of 14.5 times per century, or roughly once every 6.8966 years.

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April 19, 2008 was a Saturday.

What day was the muck fire in the tangerine book?

saturday, August 19