The colonies became a part of the Confederation of states following the war in 1783. The Constitution was written in 1787 and ratified by all of the states between 1782 and 1790, with Rhode Island as the last state to ratify and 'become' part of the union.
In 1776, the American colonies declared their independence from Great Britain. Considering they won the war, I would go with this date.
Delaware first of the original 13 colonies
It is the stripes on the flag that represent the 13 original colonies
what was the year of the 13 colonies?
Not One of the Original 13 ColoniesKentucky was not one of the original 13 colonies.
the area of the 13 colonies was the east coast
Pennsylvania was one of the original 13 colonies. As such, Pennsylvania was not acquired but one of the founding states of the United States.
Delaware first of the original 13 colonies
There were seven royal colonies.
To represent the 13 original colonies. To represent the 13 original colonies.
the original 13 colonies were ruled by what European country?
It is the stripes on the flag that represent the 13 original colonies
It is the stripes on the flag that represent the 13 original colonies
The year of the 13 colonies' establishment can be traced to 1607. That was the year of the first permanent settlement in Jamestown, VA.
There were 13 original colonies in British North America.
what was the year of the 13 colonies?
The 13 original colonies
The original settlers of the 13 colonies were on a quest for independence and personal freedom.