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July 4, 1776 hope i helped!

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Q: What year was the Declaration of Independence signed by Thomas Jefferson?
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What colony was Thomas Jefferson when he signed the Declaration of Independence?

Jefferson was a delegate from Virginia when he wrote the Declaration of Independence

What Virginian signed the Declaration of Independence?

thomas Jefferson

Who signed and wrote the declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson.

Who is the only person to sign the Declaration of Independence?

There were actually 55 people who signed the Declaration of Independence.

What age was thomas Jefferson when he signed the declaration of independence?


What colony did Thomas Jefferson live in when he signed the declaration of independence?


What are some kind things that Thomas Jefferson did?

Signed the declaration of independence.

Who signed the draft of declaration of independence?

John Handcock

Included among the signers of the Declaration of Independence were two future presidents who were they?

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson signed the Declaration of Independence.

Who signed the declaration of independence and formed Americas first government?

Thomas Jefferson wrote and signed the Declaration of Independece.

What did Thomas Jefferson buy the day he signed the Declaration of Independence?

A new car!

How old was Thomas Jefferson when the declaration of independence was signed?

He was 33 years old