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The Second Fleet arrived in Australia in 1790.

The Lady Juliana was the first of the Second Fleet's ships to arrive in Australia, doing so on 3 June 1790.

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The Second Fleet left England with 1026 convicts, heading for New South Wales, on 19 January 1790.

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Was Juliana in the first fleet?

The Lady Juliana was not in the First Fleet. It was the first of the Second Fleet's ships to arrive in Australia, doing so on 3 June 1790.

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Did any other ships arrive with people after the first fleet?

Yes, but it was two years before the Second Fleet arrived in 1790. This, too, was essentially a convict fleet, with some free settlers. No other transport ships came in between 1788 and 1790. The Third Fleet followed, but it was not until after that when free settlers' ships began to arrive more regularly.

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How long did it take for First Fleet to arrive?

8 months.

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How may ships were in the second fleet?

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When did the first fleet arrive in the Brazil?

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