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Q: What year did the house of commons become supreme?
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House of commons whiskey?

One interesting fact about the House of Commons 12 Year Old Whisky is that it is spelled without the letter "E". This is because it originates in Scotland. It would be spelled with an "E" if it had been produced in America.

Does Canada have a house of representatives?

No. The lower house in Canada is called the House of Commons. It is similar to the House of Representatives in that representatives come from fixed geographical areas defined by legislation, and they are elected as representatives of political parties. Unlike the House of Representatives, however, members of the House of Commons are not elected for fixed terms on set dates, and they on average serve longer terms in office than members of the House of Representatives (between 3 and 5 years). Attempts have recently been made to set fixed four-year terms for members of the House of Commons.

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Whose speech is read out every year in the house of lords to open the parliament?

The Queen's speech. Constitutionally, the Monarch is not permitted to enter the house of commons, so Her representative, Black Rod, summons the MP's to the House of Lords to hear the speech.

What capital does the Canadian Parliament meet in?

The parliament in Canada meets in the House of Commons. The Canadian constitution requires parliament to meet at least once in a year.

What kind of government does the U.K. have?

A bicameral parliamentary democracy with an elected lower house (the House of Commons) and an hereditary upper house (the House of Lords). As monarch, Queen Elizabeth signs all new Acts of Parliament before they become law.'Constitutional' monarchy with a parliamentary system.Except the UK does not actually have a constitution, just a series of agreements between the crown and various interest groups combined with a over 1000 year of tradition.

Why is the house of commons more important than the house of lords?

the house of lords is where all the politicians meet, the house of commons is where ordinary people debate. No, the above is not strictly true: I refer to the bi cameral Parliament of the UK. The Commons is the principal House, and is where the government sits, made up of the elected representative MPs. The House of Lords is the upper chamber and has a role of overseeing the work of the Commons, it was originally made up of heriditary peers, but now is largely made up of Life peers & the Clergy. It is unelected.

Can the house stop a bill from passing?

no, they can delay it as much as possible, up to one year unles it is not concerning financial. Yet, as we have seen with the Hunting Act 2004, if they refuse to pass it, the House of Commons can go ahead and pass it without their approval.

What is the most commons time horizon for operation planning?

1 year

Is it true or false that Supreme Court Justices serve a twelve-year term?

It is false. A Supreme Court Justice is appointed to their position for life. A justice can be removed by impeachment by the House of Representatives and a trial in the Senate.

In what year did the white house become a symbol?

I don't fuken know!!