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It started and ended within three days in 480 BCE.

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Q: What year did the battle of Thermopylae start?
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What else was the battle of Thermopylae called?

Nothing else. It was a short delaying action at the start of a two-year invasion.

What year did the battle of therompylae end?

The Battle of Thermopylae started and ended in 480BC.

Where was the pass at in which 300 Spartans died?

The narrow coastal pass of Thermopylae . August or September 480 BC

Was Phillip II the leader of battle of Thermopylae?

Leonidas I was the leader of Battle of Thermopylae.

When did the Thermopylae battle start?

It lasted three days in August or September 480 BCE.

What time was the battle of thermopylae?

the battle of Thermopylae took place in August 480 bc

When did the battle of thermopylae begin?

The Battle of Thermopylae occurred , approximately , August or September 480BC .

Which century was the thermopylae war in?

5th Century BCE - 480 BCE to be precise, and Thermopylae was not a war but rather a small battle in a 50-year war.

What month did the Battle of Thermopylae start in?

August 7 or September 8-10 480 BC .

Is Thermopylae a city-state?

The answer is no Because Thermopylae is a battle not a city.

Was the battle of Thermopylae a famous battle?

Yes, it was quite a famous battle.