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Q: What year did the French surrender Qubec to the British?
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What year did the French surrender Quebec to the British?

Treaty of Paris 1763. French surrendered much of their colonies to the British and gave Louisiana to Spain.

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Who commanded the French forces during the 1782 assault on St Kitts?

The Marquis de Bouille commanded the 8,000 French Troops who bombarded the 1,000 British at Brimstone Hill for a full month until they were forced to surrender. The British garrison was allowed to march out as an undefeated force with their standards held high. One year later, after the Treaty of Versailles returned St Kitts to British control, the French force was afforded the same honor when they were forced to surrender.

What year did the British defeat the french?

In 1759 the British took Quebec.

Who fought off British warships that were trying to rescue General Cornwallis?

A fleet of French warships, commanded by Comte De Grasse, a French leader, defeated British warships and then blockaded the British army led by Cornwallis. The naval battle, known as the Battle of the Chesapeake, took place in September of 1781, with the final surrender of Cornwallis and his men taking place in October of the same year.

What was the significance of the second attack on Fort Henry?

it occurred a year after British general Cornwallis surrender at york town.

In what year did the revolutionary war end the surrender of British general Cornwallis at Yorktown?

When the British came out to surrender and lay down their arms, Lord Cornwallis sent word that he was "sick" and remained in Yorktown. His deputy commander attempted to proffer his sword to the French general, who pointed him toward General Washington. Washington declined to accept the sword of this subordinate, and pointed him to General Benjamin Lincoln, one of Washington's division commanders. Lincoln had been captured in May 1780, when he had to surrender Charleston SC, and had recently been exchanged. So this formal gesture of surrender was received by Lincoln.This formal ceremony of surrender was on October 19, 1781, two days after the British showed a flag of truce.

How many countries joined the Seven Year War?

There has been 5 countries British, French, Spain, British colonies, and french colonies.

What global war concided with the French and Indian War?

the British and the French

Year of the French and Indian War?

The year of the French and Indian war started in 1754 and ended in 1763. The British was the winner of this war.

Why were the French important to the American Revolutionary War?

The French supported the Americans militarily with both naval and ground forces. It was the French naval blockade at Yorktown that hemmed the Brits in and forced the surrender of Gen. Cornwallis. It's important to note that there were almost as many Drench troops as Americans at this battle. As a result of Cornwallis' unconditional surrender,the following year, 1782, the British Parliament voted to end the war. Thus the French involvement in the American Revolutionary War led to some of the Americans greatest victories which led to Britain conceding American independence.

What year did the Royal Louis ship capture the British ship?

1871 by the french