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Germany did not invade Britain in WW2.

Britain has not been invaded for a thousand years.

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Q: What year did Nazi Germany invade Great Britain?
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Did the Nazis invade Great Britain?

No, Nazi Germany never invaded Sweden. See related link for more detail.

What happened in the the battle of Britain?

The Battle of Britain was the air battle in 1940 between Nazi Germany and Britain, in which Germany was hoping to knock out the (British) Royal Air Force so that Nazi Germany could invade Britain by sea. The RAF and Britain in general succeeded in not being knocked out, so Hitler turned his attention eastwards.

How did great Britain come under nazi rule?

Whist the Nazis did not invade the British Mainland there are recorss of the channel islands being occupied (Jersey and Gurnsey).Apart from this Britain was never under Nazi rule

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Romania was not invaded by Germany in WW 2; Romania was an ally of Germany.

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What is D - Day?

D-Day was the code name for the Allied forces of Britain and Commonwealth and the USA to invade Nazi occupied France and to start the liberation of Europe. Literally the turning point of WW2 in Europe, this forced the surrender of Germany within a year.D-Day was the code name for the Allied forces of Britain and Commonwealth and the USA to invade Nazi occupied France and to start the liberation of Europe. Literally the turning point of WW2 in Europe, this forced the surrender of Germany within a year.

Why did Hitler invade Austrea?

Austia refused to handle Nazi germany a plact in the high government

What year did the Nazis invade Romania?

Romania was not invaded by Nazi Germany, it was an ally of Hitler agaist the Soviet Union.

Why did great Britain suffer after World War 2 even though they were on the winning side?

Britain was one of the only original allied forces, if not THE only, to withstand conquering by Nazi Germany. However, this didn't mean that Britain escaped unscathed, as is war. Nazi Germany attacked Britain's suburbs almost nightly with air raids, as the allied powers did to the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, and Poland. This is why Britain suffered so much during and after WWII.

Did nazi Germany surrender first or japan?

Germany. Japan were last to surrender. Italy gave up half way through fighting in war with allie, America & Great Britain.

How many allies were there on the battle of the buldge?

Three allies, Great Britain, The United States, and British Canada. They were all fighting Nazi Germany.

What countries were involved in the allied invasion of d day?

Attackers/Allies: U.S.A.,Great Britain, Canada. Defenders/Axis: Nazi Germany