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the terrible, horrible, monstrous attack that these sinners did happened on the worst Tuesday possible.

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12y ago

The 9/11 attacks happened on 11 September 2001.

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15y ago

2001, the 11th September was a Tuesday.

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Ginou Lafalaise

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2y ago

3 planes cars into a building

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Q: What year did 911 disaster happen?
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Why did the 911 disaster occur?

becasue of racisim

911 happened in what year?

911 happened on 11th September 2011.

How many people were killed in the 911 disaster?

2,000 or so

What year did the disaster happen in Aberfan?

09:15 am on 21st October 1966

What time does disaster happen?

A disaster can happen at any time. The trigger depends on the kind of disaster.

Will 911 happen agen?

No because it happen already.

Did the 911 happen in 2001?


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Marchioness disaster happened in 1989.