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Q: What year day and time did edward the confessor die and how?
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What happened in January 1066?

On January 5th, 1066, Edward the Confessor, King of England, died. Harold Godwinson was crowned King Harold II the next day

How old was harold godwinson when he was promised the throne of england?

Well not exactly Edward the confessor apparently claimed Edward had said Harold was crown on Edwards day of death.

Who were next in line after Edward the Confessor?

In the year 1066, there were four people who held, or claimed, the title "King of England." Edward the Confessor had been King since 8th June 1042, and he died on 5th January 1066. He was immediately succeeded by Harold Godwinson, a powerful nobleman from the House of Wessex. Harold claimed that Edward the Confessor had promised the Crown to him. William, Duke of Normandy, also claimed that Edward had promised the Crown to him - both claims may be true, it is possible that Edward had made the same promise to both men. In October 1066, William of Normandy invaded England and famously defeated and killed Harold Godwinson at the Battle of Hastings on 14th October 1066. He not only proclaimed himself King, but claimed ownership of all the land in England "by right of conquest." The Wittan, an early forerunner of Parliament, claimed that Edgar the Atheling, a grandson of an earlier English King, should inherit the Crown, but accepted William as King a few weeks after the Battle. William's coronation as King William I, took place on Christmas Day 1066.

How old was King Edward the Confessor when he died?

His age at death is not certain, becasue we do not know exactly when he was born. Historians think he was born in the year 1003. It is known that he died 5 January 1066, so he was probably about 62 years old.

Why did Harold Godwinson crown himself the day after Edward the Confessor died?

It is not known exactly, but there seems to be a couple of reasons--first and foremost is that historians believe it is very possible that King Edward the Confessor, upon his dying bed, at the last moment, said that the best thing England could do was to choose Harold as his successor. This seems to have made an impact on the Witan and they chose him. It also may have been that the Witan recognized that Harold was the strongest military leader and wisest leader in the land and that even if King Edward did not suggest him, they would have made him king anyway. It is probably a combination of the two. Also Harold is Edward's brother-in-law,

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What day was Edward the Confessor born?

on a monday

On what day is St. Edward's feast day?

October 13th is the feast day of St. Edward the Confessor.

What day and month was Edward the confessor born?


When and where was Harold Godwinson crowned king?

he was crowned in the 6th of January 1066 the day Edward the confessor died

Is their a Saint Edward?

Yes, Saint Edward the Confessor was the King of England from 1042 to 1066. He is often depicted as a pious and just ruler who helped the poor and supported the Church. Saint Edward's feast day is commemorated on October 13.

How long was Harold II a reign?

Harold I ruled England from 1035-1040 and survived an attmpt to unseat him by Edward the Confessor. But this didnt really happen because it was Edward the confessor was already dead. Infact that is who he got the throne off.

What day year and time did edward the professor die?

he dide on his wedding

What happened in January 1066?

On January 5th, 1066, Edward the Confessor, King of England, died. Harold Godwinson was crowned King Harold II the next day

How old was harold godwinson when he was promised the throne of england?

Well not exactly Edward the confessor apparently claimed Edward had said Harold was crown on Edwards day of death.

When Edward says It's the safest time of day for us what time is he talking about?

Edward is referring to the time when the sun is setting and it's transitioning into twilight, as this is when it's darkest and he feels less exposed as a vampire.

Who were next in line after Edward the Confessor?

In the year 1066, there were four people who held, or claimed, the title "King of England." Edward the Confessor had been King since 8th June 1042, and he died on 5th January 1066. He was immediately succeeded by Harold Godwinson, a powerful nobleman from the House of Wessex. Harold claimed that Edward the Confessor had promised the Crown to him. William, Duke of Normandy, also claimed that Edward had promised the Crown to him - both claims may be true, it is possible that Edward had made the same promise to both men. In October 1066, William of Normandy invaded England and famously defeated and killed Harold Godwinson at the Battle of Hastings on 14th October 1066. He not only proclaimed himself King, but claimed ownership of all the land in England "by right of conquest." The Wittan, an early forerunner of Parliament, claimed that Edgar the Atheling, a grandson of an earlier English King, should inherit the Crown, but accepted William as King a few weeks after the Battle. William's coronation as King William I, took place on Christmas Day 1066.

How old was King Edward the Confessor when he died?

His age at death is not certain, becasue we do not know exactly when he was born. Historians think he was born in the year 1003. It is known that he died 5 January 1066, so he was probably about 62 years old.