It is an acronym for "before Common Era", a replacement for the original term "before Christ" (BC).
BCE= Before Common Era CE= Common Era These abbreviations are used instead of BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini, "In the year of the Lord") as being more inclusive, especially for non-Christians.
4300 years before 2014 was 2287 BCE.
The letters AD on a time line stand for Anno Domini.Translated into English from the Latin, that means "Year of our Lord." This is the year counted from the supposed birth of the Christian's Jesus. Present usage is to keep the AD year count but use CE (Common Era) as the descriptor. Similarly BC (Before Christ) becomes BCE (Before Common Era)
540 BCE. In years BCE (BC), the years count backward until the year 1 BCE is reached. The year 1 CE (AD) immediately follows 1 BCE, and begins counting upward; there is no year 0.
21 bce
BCE, of Before Common Era, goes down, as it is before the year "0"
BCE is not a date. To turn the term BCE (Before the Common/Christian Era) into a date you need to put a number before it. A date is the numbering of a year. BCE years are years that came before the Christian era; that is, before Christianity emerged .
Because there is no year "zero" this would be 3999 BC (Before Christ) or BCE (Before the Common Era), but this year [2011] it would be 6000 years ago.
King Suddhodana was visited by the Buddha before his death. After many discussions, his father died. This was when Buddha was about forty years old . Buddha died in about 483 BCE when he was 80 years old, so his father would have died in 523 BCE
The year 10500 BCE ended at the beginning of the year 10499 BCE.
It is an acronym for "before Common Era", a replacement for the original term "before Christ" (BC).
The year 10500 BCE ended at the beginning of the year 10499 BCE.
1939 is during the Common Era, so it has no BCE date.
BCE= Before Common Era CE= Common Era These abbreviations are used instead of BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini, "In the year of the Lord") as being more inclusive, especially for non-Christians.
4300 years before 2014 was 2287 BCE.
BCE - Before Common Era before year 1 A.D. and CE - Common Era after year 1 A.D.