

What year becomes before 523 bce?

Updated: 10/24/2023
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14y ago

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When referred to BC (or BCE) period, the numeration of years is backwards:
1000 BC, 999BC,..... 2 BC, 1BC etc. Having said so, it is 524 BCE comes before 523 BCE.

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524 BCE

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It is an acronym for "before Common Era", a replacement for the original term "before Christ" (BC).

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The year 10500 BCE ended at the beginning of the year 10499 BCE.

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1939 is during the Common Era, so it has no BCE date.

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BCE= Before Common Era CE= Common Era These abbreviations are used instead of BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini, "In the year of the Lord") as being more inclusive, especially for non-Christians.

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4300 years before 2014 was 2287 BCE.

How do historians orginize time?

BCE - Before Common Era before year 1 A.D. and CE - Common Era after year 1 A.D.