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They used a form of calligraphy. Probably one of the greatest things that has been passed down to us besides the development of paper.

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Q: What writing system did the Han Dynasty have?
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Inventions of the han dynasty?

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What impact did the Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty have on the civilization?

The creation of the modern standard Mandarin Chinese writing system and the creation of the Great Wall of China.

What is Han Dynasty?

The Han Dynasty was a dynasty full of asians!

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The Silk Road was started by the Han dynasty.

What things did the han dynasty standardized?

Weights, measures, standards, and most important, writing.

How was the government of the Han Dynasty different from that of the dynasty?

The Han dynasty included more Confucianist ideals and is considered more moderate. The Qin dynasty was more ruthless. the Han Dynasty had Confucianist ideals

How were the government of the Han dynasty and the Qin dynasty different?

The Han dynasty's government had less central control. The Han dynasty was less harsh to its people The Han dynasty followed the teachings of Confucius.

How were the government's of the Han dynasty and the Qin dynasty different?

The Han dynasty's government had less central control. The Han dynasty was less harsh to its people The Han dynasty followed the teachings of Confucius.

What contributed to the downfall of the roman empire but not the Han dynasty?

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What accomplished the Han dynasty?

The Han dynasty accomplished what the Shin dynasty did not complete.

What did the Han Dynasty accomplish?

The Han dynasty accomplished what the Shin dynasty did not complete.

What kind of government did Han Dynasty replace?

They Had A Monarchy Government System.