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pretty rough and wouldn't have much entertainment as you have today...Hope this answers your question

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Q: What would your life would be if you were born a hundred years ago?
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the life span of a mango tree is more than hundred years

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While the number is one hundred million, it does not give you any idea of how big that is. If you were to count off one hundred million seconds it would take you almost 3 years. An obvious extra thought is that if you counted off seconds for your whole life (say you lived to be 90 years old) you would get to about three billion seconds.

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Reptiles - some tortoises can live over a hundred years !

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two hundred years

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he was born 2006 so in 2009 he is 3 years old in the epilouge of book 7 he is 11 years old

'was life easier a hundred years ago or it is now' assess this view?

it is now... yeah boi!

Is century a proper noun?

It can be. If you are talking about one century as a length of time, ie. one hundred years. It is not. One hundred years ago... One century ago... It's not capitalized. If you are talking about life in the 14th Century, then it is capitalized because you are speaking of a specific set of one hundred years.

How much money does it take to house Charles Manson?

A person serving a life sentence for 60 years would cost taxpayers four million five hundred and sixty thousand for cost to keep them in jail.

What is life expectancy if born in 1953?

The life expectancy for someone born in 1953 would be around 68-70 years, based on the average life expectancy at that time. However, it's important to note that individual life expectancy can vary based on factors like health, lifestyle, and genetics.

What are the years of William Shakespeare's life?

Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died in 1616. The 52 years between were the years of his life.

What was the life expectancy for a man born in 1929?

The life expectancy for a man born in 1929 was around 58.1 years.

What is the life expectancy of a man and woman born in 1953?

The life expectancy for a man born in 1953 is approximately 66 years, while for a woman born in 1953, it is around 72 years.