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Q: What would you ask if god appears before you?
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Why would you not ask God?

One reason you would not ask God for something is that you have asked many times before, and he seems unable to grant your wishes. Or it may even be that you have begun to realise that God may not even exist.

What would God ask anyone before they go up to heaven?

The Christian view of God is that he is omniscient, or all-knowing. If this is true, it would make no sense for him to ask anything of Christians before they go to heaven.

If you had a chance to ask GOD almighty a single question you would ask about?

Why can't I see a description of my life before the future comes?

Can you pray to Saint Patrick to ask God for something special?

Yes, you can pray to any of the saints and ask them to intercede for you before God.

If you ever saw a robber with a gun and asks for your money what would you do?

Ask God to forgive the perpetrator for his actions before I gave him a dime.

You will ask the where did man come from?

the christian bible say that god created so i would ask where did god come from

What question you would like to ask by god?

There is one question that I would like to ask God before I die. And that is what did I do wrong in another life. That I am now being punished for, for having to live with 4 women. And the only reason I want to know this. Is so I can tell all of the men in the world before I die. Not to do what ever I did! What ever it is! Because if you do that, this is what will happen to you later on. LOL

What or Who is a Worshiper of the rain god Tlaloc?

According to Wikipedia, Tlaloc is an Aztec rain god... so it appears your answer would be an Aztec.

Why did god make dinosaurs before people?

That you will have to one day ask God about...No one on earth will ever know.

What did God create before Adam that appears in the bible only 4 times and will not be affected by heaven or hell?

the whale

What does They will see god mean?

it means when you die you will stand before god and he will ask you "Well, why did you do that when you were on earth? or "you are going to heaven or hell

What god is the handsome young man?

god is the most beautiful and handsome person on earth so don't ask that stupid question... like who would ask that