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Without peace, there would likely be chaos, anarchy, power struggles, and war.

There will always be groups who will attempt to re-establish order, civility, and righteousness in humanity.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Ever since man-kind was upon earth there was war. It doesn't matter how far back you go... It is as natural as breathing. It is hard to imagine a world without war, sadly, as it is in the basics of human society and there is nothing we can do to change it.

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11y ago

War is an immensely disruptive influence on society, causing vast amounts of death and destruction. If there is no war, we will all be more able to work on constructive activities. Eliminating war is probably the necessary first step to solving the many serious problems that the human race faces.

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15y ago

then people wouldn't have thought of killing people and taking what is not there's and they wouldn't be making games of call of duty worlds at war by poi

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12y ago

If we never won in war the world we live in today would be diffent.Everybody would be struggling.

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