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One Shilling GBP in 1809 had the purchasing power of about £2.55 GBP today.

NOTE - This historical conversion is the result of many calculations and considerations by a purpose designed program for which I can take no credit. The resulting answer should only be regarded as an approximation.

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Q: What would the monetary equivalent today of a shilling in 1809?
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One Shilling in 1733 is equivalent to how much today?

One British 1733 Shilling would have the purchasing power of about 6.7 British Pounds today

How much money today is the same as a shilling in the 1940s?

One shilling in the 1940s would roughly be equivalent to about £2-£3 in today's money, depending on the specific year and inflation rates.

How much is a pound and a shilling - is it a guinea?

Yes, in pre-decimal British money, a guinea was a pound and a shilling (or 21 shillings). Today that would be equivalent to £1.05

What is a 1971 Kenya shilling worth?

As of today, a 1971 Kenya shilling would have no monetary value as it is no longer in circulation and has been replaced by the current Kenyan shilling. Collectors might be interested in old currency notes for their historical value.

How much would a shilling be worth in US currency today?

A British shilling was 1/20 of a Pound, or 0.05 GBPAcoording to the exchange rate for December 15, 2009:0.05 British Pounds (GBP) = 0.08 US Dollars (USD)So a shilling would be equivalent to about 8 cents US

Can you spend shilling coins in UK?

Shillings haven't been part of the UK currency since 1971. The equivalent coin today would be 5p.

If you paid 1 shilling for land in 1840 what value would that be today?

One Shilling GBP in 1840 had the purchasing power of about £3.18 GBP today.

How much would something valued at a shilling in 1896 cost today?

One Shilling GBP in 1896 had the purchasing power of about £3.85 GBP today.

What is the value of 1 shilling 1960 Kenya?

The value of 1 shilling in 1960 Kenya would have been equivalent to 100 cents.

What would 65 UK Pounds in 1968 be worth today?

A shilling of the time would equate to approximately 6pence in English money today. A crown, I think, was roughly equivalent to 50pence ...But I have no idea how many shillings or crowns constituted a pound. If you can find that out you can work out the answer.

What is todays monetary equivalent of 40 pounds in 1960?

To calculate the equivalent of 40 pounds in 1960 to today's value, you can use an inflation calculator. As of 2021, 40 pounds in 1960 would be approximately equivalent to around 840 pounds.

How much meat would one shilling and ten pence get you today?

about 5 lb.