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Not all parts of Pangaea have split up. Pangaea is merely the most recent of several 'build and scatter'processes that have occurred in our Earth's history. Some of the parts of this assembly are known as cratons, and have survived several generations of 'build and scatter'. A search in your on-line encyclopedia under 'super continent' should turn up the names and dates of some earlier ones.

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Q: What would have happened if pangaea hadnt split up?
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How did the Pangaea become together?

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This is referred to as a supercontinent. An example of this would be Pangaea, which was the supercontinent that existed millions of years ago before it split into separate continents.

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In the Pangaea Ultima scenario, the Philippines would be located in a supercontinent that is predicted to form in the future. The exact positioning of the Philippines within Pangaea Ultima would depend on how the tectonic plates shift and come together over millions of years.

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