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He will join the revolution and will be the first president of the Philippines. However, Aguinaldo will have him assassinated. The same thing he did to Bonifacio and Antonio Luna.

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Q: What would happened if Rizal had not been executed in December 1896?
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Why did Dr. Jose Rizal die?

Dr. Jose Rizal was executed by Spanish colonial authorities in the Philippines on December 30, 1896 for his involvement in the country's struggle for independence. He was deemed a threat by the Spanish government due to his nationalist writings and activism, leading to his arrest and subsequent execution by firing squad.

Is there a possibility that a revolutionary movement will arouse if Rizal was not executed?

maybe ? th1 1800s are a time of nationalism and the Philippines is to far away for them to control. also even if he wasn't executed and we assume the Spanish American war occurred it would have been a great time to start revolting.And another comment if Rizal wasn't executed he might have been a politician or a great professor in the Philippines idk we will never know

What would have happened if Hitler had not killed himself?

He would have most likely been captured, tried, and publicly executed.

How old is José Rizal?

José Rizal was born on June 19, 1861 and died on December 30, 1896. José Rizal would have been 35 years old at the time of death or 154 years old today.

What European nation made headlines in December of 1989 when its communistic dictator was overthrown and executed?

That would be Romania.

How old is Jose Rizal now?

Jose Rizal passed away on December 30, 1896, so he would be 160 years old if he were alive today.

What is the last name of Jose rizal?

Jose Protacio Rizal's last name is actually Mercado (or I think that's it) But he changed it into Rizal because the family name Mercado belonged to two priests who were executed in the Philippines when it was Under Spanish Rule. SO if he used that surname, he would not be able to enter The school (I Forgot which one). So he changed his last name...

What really happened to anne Boleyn?

She was executed for treason (If a Queen had an affair it was called Treason), it's unlikely any of the cases against her were true. She was one of the few people executed within the walls of the Tower of London. She was executed by an expert swordsman from France.

What happened if you broke the blackout in world war 2?

you would certainly be fined, in some countries arrested and on several very rare occasions executed.

How would you use Executed in a sentence?

I executed the little girl

Did Jose Rizal really retract why?

Yes, Jose Rizal did submit a retraction letter on December 29, 1896, a few days before his execution. However, there is still debate among historians about its authenticity, as some believe it was coerced by Spanish authorities.

What if Queen elizabeth was executed in the Tower of London?

History would have to be rewritten. But first of all this never happened. Mary, Queen of Scots was executed, but in Fotheringhay castle in Scotland. The only Queens who were executed in London Tower ( to my knowledge) were Anne Boleyn (Mother of Elizabeth I) and Catherine Howard, both wives of Henry Viii.