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the colonist that refused to pay taxes were put in jail and sent to work for the kingdom

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they could be fined or sent to jail

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Q: What would happen to the colonist in Britain who did not pay tax?
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Why did Britain start taxing the colonist?

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They are upset because Great Britain starts taxing the colonist to pay for the war. I am pretty sure that is the answer. ;)

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Townshend act

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The btitish soders protected the american colonist. King goerge III thought the colonist should help pay the armys cost

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They needed to be able to pay for the recent (and costly) French and Indian war

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They passed laws to tax colonists because they needed money to pay for their growing war debt.

What act passed required the colonist to pay tax on imports which could only come from Britain?

Townshend act

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King George III borrowed money from other countries to pay for the Seven Years' War and he needed a way to pay it back, so Prime Minister George Grenville asked Parliament to tax the colonists!

Why did colonist protest Britain new taxes?

Cause they didn't want to pay them and they didn't get to vote on them and they didn't have representatives in congress that voted on the taxes.