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Q: What would be a good question to ask about kings and queens?
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What does a king or queen do?

Kings and Queens rule an area and try to make sure that area is kept safe and in a good state. THey sometimes have to lead there countrie (area) into war and try and lead them to victory. Kings and Queens are very important...

Was Henry I a good king?

no Keith whyte was the best kings

Is RJO in kings park a good school?

This school is a very good school. This is my second year there and I have no complaints! The teachers are nice and they make learning fun. In summary, RJO in Kings Park is a very good school.

Why aren't there any queens during the Medieval Times?

AnswerThere were queens because there were kings. AnswerI am assuming the question is asking why there were no queens who ruled in their own right. The answer is that there were queens who ruled in their own right, there were just not very many of them. For example: When Charlemagne was crowned emperor of the Carolingian Empire in Rome, the Byzantine Empire was being ruled by Empress Irene.Ethelfleda ruled Mercia around the year 900. She was literate, but she was also educated in military matters and was considered a fine tactician. She took over power from her husband (though she did not depose him) and continued to rule after he died.Matilda, who had been empress of the Holy Roman Empire, was a ruling monarch of England, though she was opposed and wound up fighting a civil war to a draw. She recognized her opponent as king in exchange for his naming her son his heir.Isabella I of Spain was the queen of Leon and Castile. Her marriage with Ferdinand brought Spain into existence, and they reigned as joint rulers.Berengeria the Great of became queen of Castile in 1217. She later abdicated in favor of her son, for reasons of her own.Margaret I of Denmark ruled from 1380 as regent for her son. She was such a good ruler that when he died, in 1388, she was asked to continue her rule, even though Danish law forbade a woman monarch. She routed an army sent to depose her, and united Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Iceland into a block of nations under her rule until she died in 1412.The list of queens who ruled as regent for their children is long. One in particular who comes to mind is Isabella, the wife of Edward II, who deposed him (and some might add murdered him) and ruled as regent for Edward III, her son.An even longer list of queens assumed responsibility of court for husbands who were off on crusades, too ill to rule, or otherwise unable to attend to their duties.There were laws saying women could not be monarchs in many areas, and laws of inheritance favored sons universally. But there were queens who reigned.There is a link below to lists of medieval queens and empresses who ruled countries.

Was King Edward vi a good king or bad king?

Edward VI was a bad king because he was very young when he took to the throne so he might not have known things that the older kings or queens knew. Also he was a very weak, sickly child who was ill a lot of the time. He also had a savage temper.

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Are people born to be leaders?

That is a very good question. Where there are still kings and queens, yes, because the princess is the queen, then she gets to marry a lucky guy to gets to be king. In places where there are not kings and queens, no, because we vote to see who will be president.

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the kings and queens get lots of power and their sort of nice to give away land feudalism is when kings and queens fight

What does a king or queen do?

Kings and Queens rule an area and try to make sure that area is kept safe and in a good state. THey sometimes have to lead there countrie (area) into war and try and lead them to victory. Kings and Queens are very important...

Why doesn't the Queen have any power any more?

Firstly, ask yourself this... why is the queen in power? Kings and queens are of "royal blood", they are typically chosen by a God to rule a country. That is why when the King and Queen have a son or a daughter, they are called prince and princess. They will grow to be Kings and Queens. If one of these prince or princesses is a serial killer psycho then the whole country is SOL. We are living in the 21st century and we no longer believe in that kind of rulers. There have been Kings and Queens in the past who have murdered their people and caused more suffering then good. Kings and Queens are iconic now, but they FORTUNATELY contain no power.

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Queens or Kings of the Court, Slam Dunk, or Pass to victory

Was carl gustaf a good leader in sweden?

which one? the current king carl gustaf is a good leader but kings and queens here have limited power. we are a constitutional monarchy, not a full monarchy.

How do you say Good morning kings and queens in Hebrew?

bókehr tov, melachím u melachót (בוקר טוב, מלכים ומלכות)

Is purple a good color?

Purple has traditionally been the color reserved for royalty because it was scarce and the dye was expensive and time-consuming to make, so, according to Kings and Queens, purple is a good color.and it is pretty

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There are several websites where you can watch the When we were kings trailer. Some good examples would be YouTube, IMDb, MyVideo or vimeo. All of them provide the When we were kings trailer.

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Of Course!! they are SOOO a good couple. they should get married!!

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Does kings currently have any good HDTV deals?

This question needs a specific store in order to find if they have any HDTV deals. Kings discount store in Idaho does not currently sell HDTVs.