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Henry's brother Arthur was to marry his first wife Cathrine of Aragon,a spanish princess,when he became very sick and died. Henry's family did not want to upset Cathrine's by sending her back, so they arranged for her to marry Henry. Henry was about 11 at the time so he had to wait a few years before marrying her.

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15y ago

1509 - Death of Henry VII - Henry VIII becomes King aged 17

1509 - 7 June married Catherine of Aragon

1515 - Great tournament ground built at Greenwich by King Henry VIII.

1516 - Queen Mary I (Bloody Mary) (1516 - 1558) born in Greenwich.

1533 - Henry marries Anne Boleyn in secret (25 January)

1533 - 7 September Queen Elizabeth I (1533 -1603) born in Greenwich.

1534 - Act of Supremacy - Henry becomes head of the Church of England

1536 - Anne Boleyn executed

1536 - Henry marries Jane Seymour

1536 - Act of Union between England & Wales

1537 - Birth of Henry's only living son - Edward VI

1537 - Death of Jane Seymour

1540 - Henry marries Anne of Cleves - divorced 6 months later.

1540 - Henry marries Katherine Howard

1542 - Katherine Howard put to death for treason

1543 - Henry marries Kathryn Parr

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