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Q: What work did women on the frontier do?
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What were jobs of women on the frontier?

to buil houses

What were the women's jobs on the frontier?

to buil houses

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is true that women wanted to moved west and start a new life on the frontier?

What did women do on the frontier?

the women stayed home and took care of their children and farms

What did women do on the frontier in 1821?

the women took care of the children and farms thank u karen!!

When frontier women university BA roll numbers will be issued?

in may end

When would be the BA result 2010 of frontier women university?

frontier women university is not a university. its a primary school its BA, BSC Results Announced at 19th of September 2010 but not adapted at website till today. what a shame!

When ba bsc result of frontier women university 2010 will be out?

frontier women university is not a university. its a primary school its BA, BSC Results Announced at 19th of September 2010 but not adapted at website till today. what a shame!