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Q: What women was called the Napoleons of women movement?
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The women's movement that helped secure the right to vote was called?

the sufferage movement.

What was the name of women who struggled to vote?

Suffragettes. The movement was called "Women's Suffrage".

What did the women's movement accomplish?

USA ,women and poor have to fight for partipation in government women's struggle to vote got strengthhened during the first world war. This movement is called the women's suffarage movement a the term of suffrage usually means to right.

Which political movement influenced Congress to give women the right to vote?

The movement is called Womens' Suffrage. Read more, below.

What was Napoleons last bid for power called?

The Battle of Waterloo.

What was the name for the movement of women's rights?

Suffrage. The participants in the movements were called 'suffragists' or 'suffragettes'.

Napoleons military force was called?

Le grande armée (the Grand Army.)

What events revitalized the women movement?

The Civil Right's Movement helped to restart the women's rights movement in the 1960s and 1970s. The number of women in the workforce doubled from 1950 to 2000 as a direct result of the women's rights movement.

Supporters of this movement believed that women were deprived of basic rights who were these people?

The called themselves suffragettes.

What women suffrage movement was about?

women suffrage movement means all women should have right to vote

What was women's suffrage movement?

women suffrage movement means all women should have right to vote

What other movement helped restart the women rights movement in the 1960s and 1970s?

The Civil Right's Movement helped to restart the women's rights movement in the 1960s and 1970s. The number of women in the workforce doubled from 1950 to 2000 as a direct result of the women's rights movement.