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they had to move the people who were already living there out of their homes.

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Q: What where the consequences of the Jews Moving to Palestine After the Holocaust?
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Why did millions of Jews flee from Germany to Palestine?

Because of the Holocaust. So they could be safe.

Why were so many jews killed in the holocaust?

Basically because no one stood up for them. (the Jews)

How did the holocaust affect the creation of Israel?

After the Holocaust, in which 6 million Jews were murdered, the Jews continued to face massive antisemitism in Europe. Poles blamed the Jews for their troubles and pogroms in Poland murdered thousands. Jews sought a place where they would be safe from antisemitism, a place where they would not bother the rest of the world. Great Britain had a mandate on "Palestine" at the time and would split it into Transjordan(later to be named Jordan)and Palestine. The U.K. then allowed the UN to vote on how to split Palestine. The UN approved a Jewish state in parts of the land, and Israel was created. The nations of the world were more than happy to be rid of the Jews, and the Jews were more than happy to oblige. Ironically enough, calls of "go to Israel, Jew" from 60 years ago have turned into "get out of Israel, Jew" today.

How many Holocaust survivors moved to Israel after the Holocaust?

My Grandmother and Grandfather moved there after the Holocaust. They were Holocaust survivors.Prior to the Establishment of the State of Israel, the US pressured Britain to allow 100,000 Jews held up in Cyprus to Palestine. The overwhelming majority were Holocaust Survivors. Additionally, according to Israeli Statistics, between 1948-1952, Israel absorbed 373,852 Holocaust Survivors.

Why Jews are repeating the same Holocaust of the Palestinians?

There was and is no genocide in Palestine. This is hyperbole. When this farce is revealed for what it is, the question is meaningless (since Jews are not perpetrating a Holocaust, but are merely engaged in an ethnic conflict). Please see the Related Question below for a discussion about whether or not the events in Palestine are a genocide for more information. As to why Israel is embroiled in a conflict with the Palestinians, there are numerous reasons and causes. Please see the Related Question to read about why there is an Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

Related questions

Why did millions of Jews flee from Germany to Palestine?

Because of the Holocaust. So they could be safe.

Where did the Jews immigrate from during World War 2?

Some of the Jews who survived the Holocaust moved to British Mandate Palestine after World War 2. The U.N. later voted to give the Jews a homeland in Palestine. mainly just palestine!

Exile of Jews from palestine?

The Exile of Jews from palestine is known as the Diaspora

What was the significance of Palestine at the end of World War 2?

Lots of Jews had fled to Palestine before the holocaust, as there were very few another countries that would accept refugees, even under the obvious threat of genoicde.

Why did the British turn boats of Jews away from Israel after the Holocaust?

The British had to defend Palestine, much as border patrols defend every country now.

Why were so many jews killed in the holocaust?

Basically because no one stood up for them. (the Jews)

How did the holocaust affect the creation of Israel?

After the Holocaust, in which 6 million Jews were murdered, the Jews continued to face massive antisemitism in Europe. Poles blamed the Jews for their troubles and pogroms in Poland murdered thousands. Jews sought a place where they would be safe from antisemitism, a place where they would not bother the rest of the world. Great Britain had a mandate on "Palestine" at the time and would split it into Transjordan(later to be named Jordan)and Palestine. The U.K. then allowed the UN to vote on how to split Palestine. The UN approved a Jewish state in parts of the land, and Israel was created. The nations of the world were more than happy to be rid of the Jews, and the Jews were more than happy to oblige. Ironically enough, calls of "go to Israel, Jew" from 60 years ago have turned into "get out of Israel, Jew" today.

Why don't the Jews stop attacking Palestine?

Because Palestine keeps attacking the Jews.

Were Jews in the Holocaust considered civilians?

The Jews targeted in the Holocaust were civilians.

Would you have Jews in the Holocaust?

there would not have been the Holocaust without the Jews.

How many Holocaust survivors moved to Israel after the Holocaust?

My Grandmother and Grandfather moved there after the Holocaust. They were Holocaust survivors.Prior to the Establishment of the State of Israel, the US pressured Britain to allow 100,000 Jews held up in Cyprus to Palestine. The overwhelming majority were Holocaust Survivors. Additionally, according to Israeli Statistics, between 1948-1952, Israel absorbed 373,852 Holocaust Survivors.

Who was Israel created for?

Israel was created for the Jews so they could have a homeland after the Holocaust. Palestine was under mandate by the British who encouraged the creation of the homeland to be carved out of Palestinian land. This area had been occupied by the Jews in ancient times.