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They wanted the free land and gold

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Q: What where some reason Oregon trail moved west?
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What were some reasons that the pioneers moved west on the Oregon trail?

Bob is Bobalisouis

What are some dangerous situations and encounterments on the Oregon Trail?


When was the Oregon trail modernized?

The Oregon trail never was modernized. Some parts of the freeway system do follow some of the trail. The current freeway system began in the 1950's.

What are some reasons why a family might take the Oregon Trail?

Some of the main reasons people left for Oregon on the Oregon Trail was for free land and a start of a better life.

What are some illnesses on the Oregon trail?


What are some medical supplies at the Oregon trail?

The difficult voyage along the Oregon Trail prompted settlers to carry different medical supplies with them in case of an emergency. Some medical supplies used on the Oregon Trail were surgical instruments, liniments, and bandages.

What are some trails heading west besides the Oregon trail?

The California Trail, Gila Trail, Mormon Trail and The Old Spanish Trail....

What are some sights on the Oregon trail?

independence rock

What were some of the provisions people took on the Oregon trail and what were some of the provisions people took on the Oregon trail?

back then that was one of the only ways of getting there and supplies that they had to live off of

What were some natural disasters in the Oregon Trail?

One of the natural disasters that happened on the Oregon Trail was the heavy rain that mad the plains all muddy.

Facts about the Oregon trail?

some people died on the trail

What are some historical places in Oregon?

the Oregon trail is one. Willamette valley is another one.