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well they were left in charge of work and factorys

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Q: What were women left in charge of when their husbands went to war?
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What were Ancient Roman women like?

they were very kind and nice and were usually married around 12yrs old. They had to stay and work while there husbands went out to war and jobs.

What was the role of women in the 1940's in the US?

Women were left to stand the home front while the men went off to fight in WWII.

How did the war affect different groups.of Americans?

As men went to war many women took their husbands places running homes. Farms ,and businesses

What obedience were women expected to give in medieval European society?

Medieval European women were expected to obey the Church and the laws of the land. There were probably a few people who expected them to obey their husbands, but there were also probably a few people who expected the husbands to obey their wives. I know this might sound like a joke, but the wedding vows went both ways and included "obey" both ways in at least some parts of Europe and some Churches.

Did woman join the crusades?

Yes and no. There is little evidence to suggest women were fighters, but there is some credible evidence that a small number of women accompanied their husbands to the Crusades-- a notable example was Eleanor of Aquitaine, who not only went along to serve as a nurse for the wounded but brought some of her female servants as well. That said, this seems to have been the exception. Women's primary role was to encourage and recruit their sons to fulfill their religious duty and fight against the enemy. And while the men went off to fight, the women remained at home, tending to domestic duties. Upper-class women maintained the property and the manor, sometimes even having to fend off invading armies of the enemy (there are some stories of women who fought under those circumstances, to defend their home and property). But for the most part, the women were the ones who preserved the home and kept the society functioning. They also prayed, waited and hoped; and later, many were left to mourn their husbands, brothers, and fathers in folk songs and ballads (some of which we still have today, which is how we know what their feelings were; the women accepted the belief that the Crusades were a religious duty, but they wished the cost to their families were not so high).

Related questions

What were women left in charge when their husbands went to war?

well they were left in charge of work and factorys

Were women considered citizens?

yes women were considered citizens. They were allowed to own property and slaves. They too over the land when their husbands went to war.

What was a womens role on early gold rushes?

Well most of the women went to California to reunite with their husbands in the Gold Rush, but the roles of women were most likely cooking and laundry.

How did the war affect different group of Americans?

As men went to war many women took their husbands places running homes. Farms ,and businesses

What was life like for women in the Revolutionary War?

The life of women in the revolutionary war changed as the war went on. Women were recognized more due to working for the husbands and doing work that the men could not do because they were fighting. After the war ended women were recognized more often and had women's rights.

What tasks did women do in first century palestine?

they had babys like dogs, went to the bathroom in the front yard, cheated in there husbands, were in gangs and finally open up brothels

What were Ancient Roman women like?

they were very kind and nice and were usually married around 12yrs old. They had to stay and work while there husbands went out to war and jobs.

Did women go on Crusade?

No women did NOT go on crusades as they were left behind to look after the children and so on. But sometimes (this is no joke!!) the soldiers kidnapped a old women (also known as an old crone) t clean their clothes, do the cooking and come the nits out of the soldiers hair!

How did the labor force change during World War 1?

During World War 1, the labor force underwent significant changes. Many men left their jobs to join the military, resulting in a shortage of workers. This led to an increase in opportunities for women and minorities in industries previously dominated by men. Women took on jobs in factories and other industries, demonstrating their capabilities and paving the way for future advancements in women's rights and gender equality.

What did the women do when World War 2 finished?

Left jobs in factories and went back home

What was the role of women in the 1940's in the US?

Women were left to stand the home front while the men went off to fight in WWII.

What was the role of Woman in the 60's?

Women were thought as house wifes watching the children during the day, cooking meals, washing up, while their husbands worked (or went out for a drink!)