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Many of Caesar's reforms or "acts" never went through, but here are three that did: the calendar was reformed, the army's pay was raised and the amount of silver and gold in the coins was standardized.

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12y ago
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13y ago

If you mean Julius Caesar, two of his reforms were the calendar and the standardizing of the amount of gold and silver in the coinage.

If you mean Julius Caesar, two of his reforms were the calendar and the standardizing of the amount of gold and silver in the coinage.

If you mean Julius Caesar, two of his reforms were the calendar and the standardizing of the amount of gold and silver in the coinage.

If you mean Julius Caesar, two of his reforms were the calendar and the standardizing of the amount of gold and silver in the coinage.

If you mean Julius Caesar, two of his reforms were the calendar and the standardizing of the amount of gold and silver in the coinage.

If you mean Julius Caesar, two of his reforms were the calendar and the standardizing of the amount of gold and silver in the coinage.

If you mean Julius Caesar, two of his reforms were the calendar and the standardizing of the amount of gold and silver in the coinage.

If you mean Julius Caesar, two of his reforms were the calendar and the standardizing of the amount of gold and silver in the coinage.

If you mean Julius Caesar, two of his reforms were the calendar and the standardizing of the amount of gold and silver in the coinage.

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13y ago

If you mean Julius Caesar, two of his reforms were the calendar and the standardizing of the amount of gold and silver in the coinage.

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